Mahoney Vident predicts that there will be a powerful explosion today in Washington: Video

Mahoney Vident predicts that there will be a powerful explosion today in Washington: Video

It is no secret to anyone Pastor Vedent It has become a standard in the world of predictions since each of its visions will come true sooner or later.

While collaborating today on El Heraldo TV,Here with youThe most accurate psychic spoke about the difficult days that the United States will experience during the presidential succession.

In his speech, Mahoney Vedent admitted that next Sunday, January 17 and Thursday, January 21, they will be very complex days of politics in the United States.

He admitted, “What we have not seen before in the United States at the beginning of January. Donald Trump will do anything to stop the Joe Biden regime, but he will not be able to do so.”

In the first case, the seer indicated the possibility of an attack on President-elect Joe Biden; Moreover, there will be riots in the streets.

However, what attracted the most attention was that the walk predicted a powerful explosion in Washington. So far, the seriousness of this matter is unknown.

He warned, “On the 17th, an attack is marked on Joe Biden. You see more riots, people on the streets, fighting. Something very powerful, an explosion in Washington. Joe Biden has to be very careful.”

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Muhammad Bourn

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