Martínez Villanueva in CCRD emphasizes that a space of moral and ethical solvency must be created

Martínez Villanueva in CCRD emphasizes that a space of moral and ethical solvency must be created

EL NUEVO DIARIO, Santo Domingo. – Roberto Martinez Villanueva, the applicant for a position in the plenary session of the Dominican Chamber of Accounts (CCRD), said that it is necessary to create an ethical space of moral solvency and absolute integrity from the position in the same supervisory institution, to start from there to the entire national community.

He stated that an organization like CCRD, which is called to detect and detect misconduct, cannot, under any circumstances, bear these faults in its own body, nor can it dispel its responsibility in facing the slightest hint of this scourge, in other entities. .

Martinez Villanueva introduced these concepts and others during his address to the Senate Special Committee to select the members who will constitute the new plenary session of the Accounts Chamber.

He said that if he is chosen as a member of the plenary session or chair of the Civil Rights Committee, he will implement formulas that will support the new measures that will be introduced, and will not delay, as happened, his good progress.

He added that in order to be a member of the institution that oversees state resources, its members must have the desire to serve the citizen with the most precise accuracy, along with recognized professional competence in their fields of specialization and under conditions of absolute political independence. ..

“The incumbents of the new office will have to record with the facts that corruption is an appalling practice, and it is punishable both morally and legally. As such, it must be wiped out from the behavior of those who love their country and want to see it prosperous, respectful and fair.”

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After that, El Nuevo Diario fully reproduces the statements of Roberto Martinez Villanueva before the aforementioned committee:

Speeches before the Senate Special Committee to Select Members of the Accounts Chamber. April 5, 2021.

The Chairman of the Senate Special Committee, Mr. Antonio Taveras Guzmán.

Respected Senators and Senators of the Republic.

Knowing already my CV and extensive experience in the public sector, this invitation allows me to present my proposals to this body – and through it to the members of this legislative body – to run the Accounts Chamber in the coming period. Four years – which, if deserving of final approval within this selection process – will be carried out with complete dedication and professionalism.

I will refer to both the corrective measures that must be applied to overcome the current situation, and the introduction of modernization systems used by a large number of countries, whose economies are similar or even smaller than the Dominican economy.

In the first place and as a preliminary correction, it is necessary to establish an ethical space, moral solvency and absolute integrity, centered in the same institution of accounts, from there to start the entire national community.

That the body that has been summoned to uncover and expose misconduct cannot, under any circumstances, bear these faults in its own body, nor can it dispel its responsibility before the slightest hint of this scourge, in other entities.

Its starting point will be the plenary session, which, as the lead body, should enforce its own code of conduct.

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Mindful of the causes and causes of many differences in the past, I assure you that if they are chosen to lead it, the new general meeting will know how to implement formulas of good understanding among its members, which will serve as support for the new measures to be taken. She introduced, and not as it happened, backwards due to her good progress.

To fulfill this condition, in the management of each of its components, the desire to serve the citizens and the most refined elegance must prevail, along with recognized professional competence in their fields of specialization and under conditions of unrestricted political independence.

The incumbents of the new offices will have to record with the facts that corruption is a horrific practice, and it is punishable both from a moral and legal point of view. And this, as such, should be erased from the behavior of those who love their country and want to see it prosperous, respectful and just.

A procedure that the ancients called the “correct principle”.

Once established, I suggest that the plenary start implementing an action plan consisting of six pillars:

1- Preventive system for combating corruption “compliance” or ethics in the public office, combining procedures with the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic and the General Directorate of Ethics and Integrity;

2- A new and innovative communication strategy that includes successful examples from other top audit entities and international organizations.

3- Preparing an effective annual audit plan, following the criteria of materiality and social interest, in addition to applying strict technical guidelines and standards, based on best practices;

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4- Restructuring and continuous training of human resources and introducing better techniques in the audit department and other major departments.

5- Improving the services of the Assets Certification Office and the National School of Accounts;

6- A long-term strategy in training citizens to combat corruption, in coordination with the Ministries of Education and Higher Education.

With regard to the human resources of the enterprise, which is an important part of the evolutionary work of these shifts, I assume a commitment to apply the Common Evaluation Framework – known for its acronym – CAF – which is a model designed explicitly for the public sector and a tool capable of diagnosing the real situation of the organization, in order to apply the required corrections.

This will make it possible to provide high-quality services, aimed at meeting the demands of citizens who are increasingly aware of their constitutional rights and powers.

ladies and gentlemen.

When deciding to take this trip, my parents – who are kind, simple and steadfast people – think in silence.

I owe them the convictions of honor and decency that drive me.

For his part, my husband, inspired by the responsibility this ambition implies, assumes the high level of self-denial that this commitment will entail.

My sons, children of the new generation, are waiting with high expectations and hope for the future, the contributions that their father can make to an increasingly better country.

For some and others; To you, gentlemen legislators, I will not disappoint you !!!!!

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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