Matt Damon stars in cryptocurrency commercials and people feel sorry for others

Matt Damon stars in cryptocurrency commercials and people feel sorry for others

A commercial for a crypto-trading app starring Matt Damon gave people foreign pity after he compared buying bitcoin to landing on the moon.

In the TV ad, which aired during Sunday’s NFL games, the actor walks down a simple science fiction aisle where visions of some of the world’s greatest achievements appear on each side.

“History is full of stories that almost were,” he says as he passes an intrepid explorer who sailed the oceans hundreds of years ago.

“With several of them they almost ventured, which they almost succeeded, but which turned out to be too much.

“Then there are others, embracing moments and getting involved,” he says, as he wanders through visions of people climbing Everest and the Wright Brothers soaring through the air with their cutting edge plan.

And in these moments of truth, these men and women, these mere mortals, like you and me, looking over the edge and calming their minds and fortifying their nerves, with four simple words that have been whispered boldly since that time by the Romans: Wealth favors the brave.”

At this point, the screen displays the web address and logo, with the implicit suggestion that by purchasing some cryptocurrency you can enter the pool of world changers.

Which was too much for some viewers:

Once it started turning into a trend, people who missed it on TV caught it and found it funny:

Others were even a little disgusted:

Some have questioned why the billionaire actor accepted this performance:

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One viewer said it was hard for Matt Damon to tease him when he just wanted to see a movie: will also air its first commercial, Super Bowl, next month. Prepare for more grief for others.

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Izer Hector

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