Mauricio Uchmann and Paulina Borola parachuted to bid farewell to the year

Mauricio Uchmann and Paulina Borola parachuted to bid farewell to the year

I wrote in celebrities the

Mauricio Uchmann s Paulina Burula They decided to say goodbye to the year with a very strange celebration From the heights and full of adrenaline.

via Instagram stories, The couple shared with their followers photos of how they felt moments before they jumped together in a parachute.

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Ochmann and Burrola both posted videos and photos of their adventure through the sky, from the moment they boarded the helicopter until they jumped and found themselves on the ground.

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Photo: Capture Instagram Stories
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The love story of Mauricio Uchmann and Paulina Borola

It was in June 2021 when The 44-year-old actor has announced about his relationship with the former beauty queen, Which earned him hundreds of criticism from his followers, with some believing that there would be a possible reconciliation with his ex-wife Aceline Derbez.

As the months go by Mauricio Uchmann never tires of shouting his love for Paulina Borol(a) He even bragged about the good relationship he had with his two daughters, Lorenza and Kailani.

Finally and after many rumors, the daughter of Eugenio Derbez, at the beginning of December, Officially introduced his influential partner Jonathan Cobain, with whom he was in an official relationship for nine months, a period similar to that linking Uchmann with Borola.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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