Members of the Democratic Congress have condemned the Supreme Court of the United States for denying permission to the SSI in Puerto Rico.

Members of the Democratic Congress have condemned the Supreme Court of the United States for denying permission to the SSI in Puerto Rico.

Democrats in Congress today condemned the decision U.S. Supreme Court The decision to deny Puerto Rico and other regions access to the Supplementary Security Income (SSI) program was unconstitutional.

“This damaging judgment prevents the elderly and the disabled from receiving the vital support they need for their basic needs, such as food and shelter, and perpetuates the pernicious notion that Puerto Ricans and those living in other U.S. regions are second-rate Americans.Richard Neal (Massachusetts), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has primary jurisdiction over the SSI.

For his part, Raul Krizalwa, chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, said the denial of SSI benefits to hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens living in Puerto Rico – the poor and disabled elderly – was “unreasonable.” And other U.S. territories.

“The (Thursday) decision upholds more than a century of discriminatory policies that treat fellow citizens living in the United States as second-class citizens. I was equally disappointed with the decision of the (Joe) Biden administration to defend this discrimination in court. House Democrats have taken a stand against these inequalities and enacted legislation to extend SSI benefits and extend other federal programs to regions; I urge my colleagues in the Senate to do the same, “said Krizalva.

In overturning the first circuit of federal appeals in the Vaello Madero case, the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday (8-1) ruled that the exclusion of residents of Puerto Rico from the program was a rational measure by congressional authority. Subsidiary security income (SSI) because those who live in their states do not pay the same contributions.

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For the majority of the Supreme Court, if Puerto Rico had the same access to states for social welfare programs as SSIs, “residents of the states could insist that the federal government impose the same contributions on residents of Puerto Rico as other regions” and that it would “impose a significant financial burden” on the island.

Puerto Rican Democrats Congress members Nidia Velasquez and Richie Torres, elected from the New York county, also condemned the decision.

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling is a depressing setback for the people of Puerto Rico, as well as those living on the American continent who deserve to receive federal benefits. We must not forget that Puerto Rico was colonized by the United States a century ago, and today’s decision is one of America’s long and brutal attempts to treat Puerto Ricans as second-class citizens.Velasquez said

Like Krizalva, Velasquez criticized Biden’s management’s decision to continue challenging the Valo Madero case, which turned the first circuit of federal appeals upside down, concluding that it violated the constitutional provision of equal protection of laws to exclude Puerto Rico. From SSI.

“I was deeply disappointed that the Biden administration chose to follow in the footsteps of its predecessor by supporting a summary in this case to uphold the constitution to suspend SSI concessions from those on the island. It would be a serious failure for the people of Puerto Rico to do the right thing,” Velasquez said.

“This ruling requires Congress to finally pass legislation that equals other residents of Puerto Ricans and territories enjoying comprehensive federal benefits. This cannot wait, either through a budget compromise or by approving my bill with Senator Bernie Sanders,” said Democrat Puerto Rican.

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Torres, for his part, affirmed that the US Supreme Court had “once again upheld the colonial status and secondary treatment of Puerto Rico.”

“Only through the action of Congress and the status of the state can full legal equality be granted to the people Puerto Rico. Congress must act now! ” Said Torres, who makes the island another state in the United States.

Latino Justice, for its part, condemned the decision, saying it reflected a new verification of public policy initiated by insular cases at the beginning of the last century that had strengthened the colonial relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States.

“This decision prolongs the racist exclusion of residents of Puerto Ricans and other US territories from key federal privileges granted to citizens living in 50 states, which was rejected long ago with the support of a precursor that exacerbates historical errors and practices,” the civil rights organization added.

Arzu Daniel

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