Messi’s departure sets Barcelona’s alarm on sponsorships

Messi’s departure sets Barcelona’s alarm on sponsorships

Barcelona, ​​August 10 (EFE) Barஸa is like a sharp drop in business revenue if it fails to weave a solid strategy quickly.

“From now on, keeping sponsors will be more important than the team’s competitive names, but it is clear that Messi’s departure will have repercussions at the club’s sponsorship level,” explains Marc Syria, Barcelona’s director general of finance and diagonal reversal.

He added: “Now they have to win the Champions League. It’s not as valid with the face as before. Sport performance is important to stay with the sponsors. Messi gave them a story and now they have run away from him. However they did not reach the level of Messi.

Currently the sponsors pay Bar பார்a a total of மில்லியன் 180 million a year and the aim of Joan Laborado’s board of directors is to have this figure within the first two years of his order and try to exceed 200 from the third. The departure of Messi, who has made up a third of the club’s direct and indirect income, according to various studies, these predictions are complicated.

“Despite some ‘Messi clause’ in this year’s deal, the sponsors will wait. They will not drop the ship in the short term because it will not give a good image to their brand, but they will wait for Barசாa’s reaction to make medium – term decisions,” says Syria.

Also, precisely in the Middle Ages, the first large stone appeared on the road. On June 30, 2022, the contract with Raguten, the main supporter of the shirt, expires, which will pay 30 million variables this year. Barசாa’s goal is to return to prebandemic values ​​of at least 55 million in the 2022-2023 season.

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But from the club’s business side they did not see it as easy to achieve before Messi’s departure. Negotiations are open with the Japanese brand that has sponsored the club since 2017, but Barசாa are ready to ask for other offers.

Cinto Ajram, one of those responsible for closing the deal with Ragu in 2016 and head of Laborda’s candidacy sponsorship area, explained in an interview with EFE that the 2021 academic year will vary greatly from 30 30 million. – 2022 Responds to “Ragudan’s uncertainty about Messi’s future”.

Parsica has received various plans from companies such as the ‘Crypto Exchange’ (selling point of cryptocurrencies), however the club is not comfortable as it is speculative, risky and highly variable.

But time presses. Nike, the brand that makes Barca team sportswear, has set a deadline of July 2022 to find out who the new main supporter of the shirt will be.

“Until now, when negotiating with a sponsor, the Barசாa shield was Messi.

“If Messi sells 8 out of 10 Persia shirts, in the best cases Debay 5 can sell and prevent a drop in sales of Barca shirts (which represent 20 to 30 million a year for the company) in the short term, going over 30%,” he adds.

Messi has 245 million followers on Instagram, more than twice the official FC Barcelona account, which is close to 100. This is the global “more fans for Messi than Barஸa” and “a big” part of them will be made by the team that Messi goes to, “says Syria.

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According to consulting firm Brand Finance, the departure of the Argentine player will cost Barசாa up to 137 million euros in brand value. Therefore, there will be an 11% reduction compared to the current 1,266 million.

137 million will come mainly from the fall in the business revenue of the Parsa Club, which will be reduced by 77 million and will stop entering into the 43 million from sales of shirts and other marketing items.

On the other hand, a few weeks ago, the rating agency Fitch gave Barcelona a negative three B, with good news received at the club, as it paves the way for a refund of 5 525 million under Goldman’s tutelage. Socks.

“When Fitch made this qualification, he believed that Messi should continue at Bara,” Syria said. “But this rating will not change in the short term. Like the sponsors, we are in a waiting period. Both want good management and sporting competitiveness for the club,” said Director General of Diagonal Investments.

Sergei Escudero.

(C) EFE Company

Arzu Daniel

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