Ministry of Public Health confirms a South African type of COVID-19 in Ecuador | Ecuador | News

Ministry of Public Health confirms a South African type of COVID-19 in Ecuador |  Ecuador |  News

A patient with related symptoms is hospitalized in Tulcan, Karshi County.

On Thursday the 20th, the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) confirmed the presence of a South African SARS-CoV2 virus in Ecuador.

Camilo Salinas, head of that government portfolio, said the University of San Francisco de Quito’s Institute of Microbiology reported the first case related to the South African variant in Tulcan, Carchi County.

Salinas explained that the patient has neither a history of traveling abroad, nor his close relatives. The citizen resides in a nursing home affiliated with the Public Health Network.

The official said the MSP is under genetic monitoring of the 20H / 501Y.V2 variant (from South Africa) and its epidemiological fence. This strain has not been previously discovered in Ecuador.

Health authorities have confirmed that the British, New York and Brazilian variants of the COVID-19 coronavirus are also spreading in the national territory, causing more than 19,000 deaths in Ecuador. (I)

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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