Mixed Vaccines: The Science, Politics, and Inaccuracy

Mixed Vaccines: The Science, Politics, and Inaccuracy

In April, I received a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. (A new window) At Edmonton Pharmacy. She then completed immunization with a Pfizer vaccine.

In Canada, I agree with the medical and political authorities who have repeatedly sworn that their vaccination decisions are based on science.

However, for months I have heard of countries that continue to refuse entry to people like me who have received two different vaccines.

In any case, skepticism about approved vaccines around the world stifled my safety. How, under these circumstances, would you consider offering me a smuggler out of the country, without fear that he might get in your way because of the promiscuity you received?

You can choose between waiting for the situation to resolve itself or taking a third dose of the vaccine, a possibility offered in Alberta to those who need to travel to a country that does not recognize the vaccine mix, but what will happen. . my decision?

Between the political urgency to reassure the population and the power of a science that seems to contain a shifting geometry, I’m really in a pinch, in a blur.

This experience leaves me with the impression that I follow the recommendations of the authorities, simply because I trust them.

I had this feeling when I ran in April to get my first doses of the vaccine, and it broke the doubts raised by AstraZeneca.

In the face of skeptics, I generally prefer to affirm the scientific arguments established and defended by decision-makers, rather than letting the irrational take their place. Faced with a dead end like that created by mixed vaccinations, I find myself, in some ways, powerless.

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Given the interest in this topic, I sincerely hope it will be short-lived. In any case, the commitment of the Canadian authorities inspired me to keep up the pressure to get reluctant countries to change their minds.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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