the From It is a very common animal among humans, as it is usually a large, strong and powerful creature, but also very friendly if handled with care and respect.
However, it is a funky animal in many aspects, because it is hybrid You can not give birth, why?
(You can read: A Colombian who traveled across South America on mules asks for help bringing them home)
According to an article by Spanish biologist Ana Díaz Makeda, published on the portal, infertility on mules This is because hybrid animals are from parents of two different species, although they are related to each other.
In the case of mules, they are the offspring of crossing a male donkey with 62 chromosomes and a female horse with 64. So a mule has 63 chromosomes.
Most of these animals cannot have children, despite the fecundity of one in every billion mules.
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Characteristics and behavior
Mules are known to be large, stocky and strong. Additionally, they are highly resistant to common horse diseases and have good hooves to work in clay soils.
According to Makeda, the mule’s head, ears, and limbs are very similar to those of butter. On the contrary, the rest of his body, fur and teeth are more similar to horse.
Mules also tend to be excellent travel companions.
These animals are known to be very stubborn and stubborn animals, and they are. They inherited the physical strength of a horse and the intelligence of a donkey. However, they have a high degree of common sense and self-preservation, because if they consider that an action could put them at risk, they will not want to do so.
Due to their behavior and manner of being, mules cannot be trained like horses, as they require very smooth, logical and sequential training. In addition, they must be taught respectfully, they cannot be forced to do anything, because they will not do it.
On the other hand, regarding the taste of their food, mules have a digestive system more similar to donkeys, so they prefer foods rich in fiber more than horses.
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‘Dragon filly’: China’s mule
One of the most famous cases of non-sterilization of mules occurred on March 4, 1981, in Henan Province, China, when a hybrid foal was born from a black mule, which was named Dragon Voile.
One of the birth attendants witnessed the birth and reported that the mule was in regular heat. After several tests, it was concluded that the father is a donkey and the mother is a mule, and that their son has 62 chromosomes.
According to Makeda, the young colt grew up strong and healthy, able to perform all tasks with the rest of the mules on that farm in China.
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