More applications are being dropped

More applications are being dropped

Mexico City- Other social media applications have joined the global slump following widespread disruption to Facebook services, which lasted for hours.

Telegram users noted that the network was uninterrupted after noon. Similarly, DickTalk and YouTube users have announced gaps in their services.

According to The Competitive Intelligence Unit (The CIU), 95.1 million people, or 87.3 percent of smartphone users in Mexico, have a social networking application.

Of those, 94.4 percent use Facebook and 40.2 percent use Instagram.

In terms of instant messaging apps, it is used by 96.1 million people in the country, with 88.2 percent of smartphone users in Mexico. In this group, WhatsApp works 96.9 percent and Facebook Messenger 40.2 percent.

At 10:30 a.m., the first complaints were received from users about Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram services. Mark Zuckerberg’s company announced that it was working to restore communications on platforms and platforms, however, the decline still persists.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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