More than 6,500 professionals have already used the ICAM Advocacy Space

More than 6,500 professionals have already used the ICAM Advocacy Space

| | Updated: 3/18/2021 4:16 PM

More than 6,500 professionals have already hired Advocacy space at the Madrid Bar Association (ICAM), a Legal joint work Located a few meters from Plaza de Castilla Courts, It was launched two years ago to facilitate the professional practice of lawyers without their own office, as the college reported today.

Dean of ICAM, Jose Maria AlonsoIt was opened in March 20, 2019.

And he did so by uttering these words: “With this initiative, which many have sought for a long time, we fulfill one of the commitments of our electoral program, through which we intend to build a useful college that provides maximum added value to the Madrid legal profession.”

The Intergovernmental Authority on Coastal Zones published a statement today, in conjunction with the second anniversary of this initiative, explaining the benefit from this initiative, and that it aspires to be “an alternative to traditional offices”.

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Among the many services offered, Individual customer service offices It has been the most sought after, with over 4,700 reservations at this time.

Meeting rooms equipped with a video conferencing system have been used nearly 1,500 times, while single workspaces, the most restricted during the coronavirus crisis, have been reserved by more than 400 users.

“The perception after the health crisis is that The demand for the service will increase Because many members, with the cessation of activity and the resulting economic situation after the pandemic, will see in joint action the alternative solution for their offices, “said the Director of Improvement and Services for ICAM members, Silvia Prieto.

Silvia Prieto, Director of Improvement and Services for ICAM Members.

The college highlights that the popularization of remote work, along with the increased implementation of remote experiences, are other factors that boost growth prospects in this space.

He notes that digitization in the field of justice specifically has allowed this since last October, thanks to an agreement with the General Secretariat of Prison Institutions, Espacio Advocacy. Offers a secure, free, remote system to assist inmates in the prisons of Alcala Meco, Soto del Real and Valdemuro.

“Thanks to this tool, legal professionals who are aware that the correct exercise of the right of defense does not require physical transportation to prison, can provide assistance by videoconferencing from a secure space installed at this ICAM headquarters,” he explains. He notes that in the months since its launch, around 200 lawyers have used the service.

On the other hand, remember that it is within the package of procedures approved by the ICAM Board of Directors for Helping the most vulnerable lawyers deal with the effects of the crisis, The Free use of the facilities during the months of September to December For aid recipients.

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He adds that in these two years Espacio Advocacy has also hosted many legal and entertainment activities, which were attended by nearly 700 people.

As the headquarters of the Senior Space of ICAM, it has also witnessed initiatives promoted by veterans in the legal profession such as Antonio Garrigues, Cristina Almeida, Cristina Albardi, Joaquin Romanelos, Javier Jimenez Ugarte or Angela CerrillosAnd members of its board of directors.

ICAM call space
View of ICAM’s upper space, at Espacio Advocacy Headquarters. Photo: ICAM

“We are the only bar association in Spain that provides these services,” said Silvia Prieto.

Thanks to agreements signed with ICAM, members of the Alcalá de Henares Bar, the Barcelona Bar and the Talavera de la Reina Bar can also benefit from these facilities.

In the next ICAM tweet, you have a thread where you can remember the opening of this pioneering space On Saturday he will be two years old.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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