Museo Espacio presents its digital agenda for July closing – El Sol del Centro

Museo Espacio presents its digital agenda for July closing – El Sol del Centro

Month July Almost finished, and sends you the most prominent information about contemporary art, and its advocates and places in other countries and countries, and Space Museum present to him digital agenda this week.

Starting Monday, July 26th, programming begins with #Trayectorias, where netizens will be able to find out about a file building site NS a path One of the prominent creators who exhibited their works in the museum space; Later, in #NotesContemporáneas, articles published in various newspapers spread nationwide on contemporary art.

In #DatosCurioso, this Tuesday 27th, the public will be able to discover groups with many groups Museums national and global. Arrive on Wednesday 28th #Reflexiones, to learn about the work of prominent professionals from museology, by its most emblematic phrases; And in the afternoon at #MuseoAbierto, several posts were made by Cultural Institute of Aguascalientes (ICA).

They collect the unpublished drawings of Frida Kahlo

Thursday in Space Museum, is a different revival Visual presentations implemented in this place, by #TBT; Meanwhile, in the afternoon, at #SepultarElPasado, various topics will be presented on art historyContemporary approach.

On Fridays, #EnTuPropiaVoz is presented as an opinion space for Visitors subordinate Museum, who share with the public their experience of visiting and appreciating Exhibitions from this can. And discover the work that makes every day possible the work of publishing, exhibition and promotion of art In the Space MuseumThe #AprendamosJuntos capsule is airing.

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Finally, the weekend #Virtual Workshops and #Story Theatre, with fun plastic activities for the whole family, will be broadcast on Saturday 31 July and Sunday 1 August, respectively.

the Send It is done through the page Museo Espacio Facebook, and on this same site, the work done by Young who attend Summer Course “Art, Games and Exploration”, which houses this important cultural site in Aguascalientes.

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