Museo Ruiz de Luna de Talavera opens Wednesday a venue celebrating 25 years – Castilla-La Mancha News

Museo Ruiz de Luna de Talavera opens Wednesday a venue celebrating 25 years – Castilla-La Mancha News

On Wednesday, April 21, the Ruiz de Luna Ceramic Museum Friends Association will open small exhibition spaces in the museum. On the one hand, there is a 25-year memorial corner of the museum, and on the other hand, a temporary exhibition connecting the ceramics of the War of Independence to the work of the famous painter Ximena Maier.

In a press release, the association indicated that the museum had opened 25 years ago, although it had never actually opened: the event was set for February 14, 1996, in the presence of the Minister of Culture, Carmen Albersch, and the President of Castilla. La Mancha and Jose Bono, among others.

“But it was suspended as a result of the murder of Etta, former President of the Constitutional Court Francisco Thomas E. Valente. That way, there was no official opening and the museum opened its doors to the public the next day,” they indicated.

To remember that moment, the museum’s friends selected several important pieces from February 14, 1996, which were displayed in a display: a notary commission commissioned by the city council to hand them over to the authorities, made by the “Artesanía Talaverana” workshop; Tile to commemorate the date, invitation to attend the opening. Next to the facade is a board with news from the press reporting the suspension of the act.

Temporary exposure

On the other hand, the association reported that the painter Ximena Maier had decorated the piece as a reference for Fernando VII “Long Live the Owners”.

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At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a ceramic icon was developed associated with the War of Independence and King Ferdinand VII, which is usually represented accompanied by slogans such as “ Long live Malik ” and an ornament based on flower bouquets, folded flags, cannons or eagles.

The character Meyer illustrated in his article is Alexander von Humboldt, a naturalist and explorer, contemporary of Ferdinand VII but the opposite of his thought.

Ximena Maier has had a long and recognized career as a painter. She has published in El País, Vogue, Telva or Yo Dona, among others, is an illustrator of children’s books (Anaya, Alfaguara, Bruño) and has also published museum-related works.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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