National health teams visited Mendoza and San Luis to monitor the epidemic management in the provincesمقاطع

National health teams visited Mendoza and San Luis to monitor the epidemic management in the provincesمقاطع

Teams from the Nation’s Department of Health, led by Federal Arthritis Department Undersecretaries, Veronica de Cristofaro, and Medicines and Strategic Information, Gaston Moran, toured Mendoza and San Luis, to advance joint border control strategies aimed at delaying the entry of COVID-19 into worrisome variables in that region of country.

The delegation was also made up of Pablo Cohan, Advisor to the Quality Secretariat in Health. Carlos Giovaccini, National Director of Epidemiology and Strategic Information; Maria Belen Markeves, member of the National Directorate of Epidemiology and Strategic Information; and Ignacio Gonzalez, Adviser to the National Directorate for the Strengthening of Provincial Systems.
In Mendoza, they met Minister Ana Maria Nadal and her technical team to discuss the province’s pandemic approach, and shared management strategies on controlling border crossings to prevent entry of infected travelers. In addition, intersectoral operational schedules were held, sponsorship lines for the SUMAR, PROTEGER, and HEALTH NETWORKS programs were worked out, and it was agreed to continue coordination between the county and the nation to enhance public health policies.
After visiting the public health lab, where they emphasized data upload and systems interoperability, they toured the vaccination center in Central Park.

2021-06-26 Delegation of the Nation of Mendoza San Luis

“We appreciate the nation’s outreach to the provinces because it allows us to work in cross-sectoral tables with technical groups to implement the health strategies that we have proposed,” Di Cristofaro said.
The health ministry team’s second stop was San Rafael. There they learned about the action and prevention plan that the municipality has been running since the pandemic began, and visited the rehabilitation center for patients who have overcome COVID-19 and the model health center.
Finally, in San Luis, they and the Minister of Health, Silvia Sosa Araujo, toured the headquarters of the Pontanos Laboratories, the Cancer Center and the capital’s main vaccination center.
The visit was completed with a tour of the San Luis Municipal Sports Center, which has now been turned into a vaccination center. At the meetings, they also analyzed the epidemiological situation of St. Louis and strategies to combat the coronavirus.
“It is a very important visit for us, as it allows us to continue to work together; this delegation from the state health department is participating in several separate meetings with our teams to analyze the epidemiological situation of St. Louis and the strategies applied in the province against COVID-19,” said the county health minister, Silvia Sosa. Arrojo.
De Cristofaro added: “We have a highly federal state with different realities and needs. The commitment to work in supportive networks, to be able to create sites with a supportive appearance, is the proposal that we make to the provinces.”

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2021-06-25 Mendoza Vaccines San Luis

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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