National Police Director: “In my hands, the process of transforming the national police will not die”

National Police Director: “In my hands, the process of transforming the national police will not die”

The Director-General of the National Police, Major General Eduardo Alberto, assured that the process of transformation of the institution will not die in his hands, after making it clear that society deserves to live in a safe country, where every member of the family can go out. and return safely to their homes.

“I want to assure the community that the police reform in our hands, organized by a committee made up of eminent professionals, will be a non-stop train until the end goal is achieved,” the Major General said at the time when participating in his first working meeting. In order to transform the police headed by the Minister of the Interior, Jesus Vásquez Martinez.

He said that the police refer to the society that lives in reality at this time and in this sense should act after making it clear that the weapons they carry are not to offend but to defend the citizens.

“The National Police must protect the working men and women, so that they can go out and return safely to their homes. The moment I have been waiting for since I entered the institution has always fought against the bad guys and protected the good guys,” he said.

In this scenario, the senior official said that any fact that warranted an investigation would be carried out, even if the case involved law enforcement officers.

“All investigations that have been made and because they must fall on the shoulders of the National Police, whether against our members, regardless of rank, will be carried out. Whatever the community requires, work will be carried out so that this family and the community itself may live in Peace”.

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While the Minister of the Interior and Police, Jesus Vazquez, explained that this meeting with the police leadership is an approach to the measures announced by President Luis Abenader, related to the budget of that government institution and training in police operations.

He noted that Abenader appointed Mrs. Elena Villa de Palisa to head the committee to monitor and strengthen the financial component of the National Police, reiterating the meetings held in various towns and involving the community in this process. ; That is why he announced that he plans to travel to New York City for dialogue with the Dominican community in that city.

He stressed that everything that was accomplished was done with the support of the National Police to give continuity to the measures announced by the President of the Republic last Sunday 17 with the ministry in charge and the working group, in order to unify the wills to serve. Country and give the police community it deserves.

Aygen Marsh

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