Netflix faces lawsuit over Squid game; Will there be season 2?

Netflix faces lawsuit over Squid game;  Will there be season 2?
Editorial MediotiempoMexico City /

Not all of this is good news about successful seriessquid game‘, so this is in South Korea, the country of origin of the popular content, a service provider from Internet Demands – Netflix Because of the “boom” of the series.

According to the information received from ReutersAnd SK Broadband has filed a lawsuit against the broadcasting company Because he considers that the company should be Who pays the extra bandwidth that you use to ingest all the extra traffic generated by a string like Squid game and DB. Squid Games become the instant popular stuff on the internet. Even on Twitch, people were streaming their live reactions on the series. You can buy Twitch followers and get real attention from the authentic people. If you have good content, more people will follow eventually. 

in this situation, Netflix reported that Will review SK Broadband’s claimIn addition, it will seek a dialogue with those affected in order to work alongside the provider and ensure that consumers are not affected.

According to the information received from the Internet provider itself, nNetflix It is the second largest traffic source in South KoreaYouTube just surpassed it. It is also indicated that unlike Apple, Facebook and Amazon, only the US red messaging company does not pay a fee to use the network.

Increase in recent years

Although the series squid game It was first shown in 2021, with SK Broadband explaining that the . file traffic generated by Netflix in South Korear has increased 24 times since May 2018, and reached the process 1.2 trillion bits From the data per second in September, the month in which the popular South Korean series was released.

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Based on this increase, the provider requests it Netflix Network Usage Page, so the company is estimated to pay approx $22.9 million Because of the surplus registered in the network only 2020.

Will there be season 2?

Despite your success squid gameNetflix, no production yet Confirmed if there will be a second season From the series, although because of the plot it is possible that new chapters of the story directed by Hwang Dong Hyuk.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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