New England vs NYC FC (2-2): Efrain Juárez & Company advance penalties

New England vs NYC FC (2-2): Efrain Juárez & Company advance penalties

The New England Revolution Came from behind Twice Carry on The Eastern Conference Semifinals Until then Serial sentences., However, it was not achieved The best team of the season Of the regular 2021 M.L.S., And removed from 11 steps New York FC, Where Mexican Efrain Juárez works as a technical assistant Truni Dela.

The New York box Twice Overtaken on the scoreboard And attacked the same two. Clock when the second is already in a dramatic way More time Marked was dangerously close to the end.

The Argentina forward and goal scorer Of the hour, Valentine Castellanos Was on the scoreboard and opened a match Was tied at 1-1 In front The first 10 minutes However, he left his team one minute to seven minutes before the end of the game and became a villain. 30 extra minutes.

The The audience Went ahead in an electric light Best goal by Santiago Rodriguez, The clock struck three minutes. And then with a title Adam Buxa In nine minutes he matched the cards.

Although The victim came up with the tag, In the box New York He did not have the defensive posture against the best offense of the season, and was brave Looking to hurt the local team, Which can only create two scenarios for competition law.

The Brave Of The audience Stayed 60 percent reflected in ball possession, 16 shots and four of them in the goal direction. Two of them ended up in networks arquero Matt MatchesR., And they received the classification.

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Castellanos Appeared on Minute 109 For Make a difference, And Four minutes later he was ejected. The locals bring everything forward and they find it Frightening goal 2-2 Al Minute 119 By Dajon Buchanan.

already present Serial sentences Players New York FC They monetized them exactly Buchanan, தி He missed his shot 2-2 It opened a window for visitors Take the series from steps 5 (2) – (2) 3 11.

Arzu Daniel

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