New executive order requires a negative COVID-19 test or vaccination guide to enter the food and beverage business

New executive order requires a negative COVID-19 test or vaccination guide to enter the food and beverage business

Far from incorporating the recommendations made by the Scientific Alliance after an emergency meeting in the face of the recovery of infections with COVID-19 In Puerto Rico, Governor Pedro Pierluisi A new executive order was signed Monday that says restaurants, bars, hammocks and other establishments for food and drink consumption must require proof of a coronavirus vaccination or a negative test performed within 48 hours before entering a store.

In this way, the governor eliminated the 50% capacity surrogate for facilities that did not require evidence of vaccination or a negative test, but did not limit the capacity of people who could be at an establishment or event. The new measure goes into effect next Monday, December 27.

“The pandemic has shown us that we must never lower our guard and that we must always remain alert to the changes that arise with the variables. My warning remains the same: anyone who has not yet completed a dose of the vaccine and booster, it is time to do so. Stopping the spread of COVID-19 is everyone’s business. As I have indicated, I will continue to exercise vigilance and take any action I deem necessary,” the CEO said.

Puerto Rico’s COVID-19 positivity rate hit 13% on Monday, the highest number since December 2020.

In the recommendations issued today, the Conservative Scientific Alliance and various social sectors urged a limitation of 50% of people’s ability to attend private activities indoors. “We are proposing to do private activities in enclosed spaces, such as churches, restaurants, conferences, etc., and we are considering limiting capacity by 50% and ensuring physical distance between participants this week,” the group of scholars said through a press release. In addition, the Scientific Alliance recommended that the Ministry of Health and Pierluisi reassess the current regulations for case management in work and agency settings, and demand the third dose of the vaccine.

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On the other hand, in Executive Order 2021-081, the governor decreed that all passengers — vaccinated or not — who travel to Puerto Rico by domestic plane must submit a negative COVID-19 test taken 48 hours prior to or prior to arrival. To the airport. Island. People who do not test negative will have 48 hours to do so in Puerto Rico or they will be fined.

Likewise, unvaccinated people traveling to Puerto Rico on domestic flights must self-quarantine for 7 days, regardless of whether they arrived with or without a negative test.

Currently, these unvaccinated travelers have the option to submit a negative COVID-19 test taken 72 hours before they arrive on the island, or 48 hours to take a test in Puerto Rico and report the result to their profile on the Travel Safe portal..

In the case of international flights, the federal ruling that all travelers have a negative Covid-19 test taken at least 24 hours before the flight is underlined.

The governor also signed Executive Order 2021-080 yesterday, which states that everyone who attends group activity indoors or outdoors and encourages crowding of people will have to submit a negative coronavirus test — molecular or antigen — that is carried out for 48 hours or less prior to the event Plus proof of your vaccination. This measure is effective on Wednesday.

Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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