Nine children died during an illegal trip to public relations

Nine children died during an illegal trip to public relations

a illegal trip From Haiti to Puerto Rico, it could have caused at least nine deaths Childrenwho succumbed to thirst, hunger, heat stroke or fever, according to a young Haitian who survived the seven-day voyage.

According to Hilaire Dufresson, a 21-year-old student, a group of 51 adults, both men and women, with infants as young as a year, sailed from Jeremy, southern Haiti, to “Magic Island”. “.

“He (the young man) left Haiti on October 29, what happened is this group tried to get to Puerto Rico five times,” Leonard Proville, a devout Haitian resident in Puerto Rico who helps Dufresson and other outcasts, told El Nuevo Día in Puerto Rico.

He explained that on the last seven-day trip they “almost reached Cuba, and from there they ran out of gasoline. When they were on their way back they found a pirate ship, they explained it to them and gave them gasoline and food. The boat came nine Children And they all died. They started throwing everyone Children for free”.

Proville indicated, according to Dufresson, that the captain of the boat would have given the order to dump the bodies of the infantrymen into the sea. The priest pointed out that the mothers of the palace were watching the corpses being devoured by sharks.

“It is a very sad experience. There were nine Children, they all died. Added Proville, who noted that on one occasion the boat capsized and the propeller injured several crew members. The devout concluded that “that was a disaster, in fact, that boy (Duferson) is alive because God himself saved him.”

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According to local media, Jeffrey Quinones, a spokesman for the US Customs and Border Protection Agency in Puerto Rico, reported that they were dealing with dozens of immigrants Haitians And the Dominicans for weeks, including Duverson’s group. The official explained that they had no way to confirm the story of the deceased infants.

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Aygen Marsh

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