On World Oceans Day: The Ministry of Science joins the promotion of the National Ocean Policy

On World Oceans Day: The Ministry of Science joins the promotion of the National Ocean Policy

Minister Andres Cove highlighted the inclusion of the Ministry in the Cabinet for Ocean Policy Development as a precursor to strengthening oceanographic research in Chile, modernizing the institutional framework, developing capacity and using evidence for climate decision-making.

Yesterday morning, at the Cabinet meeting to develop the national ocean policy led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was approved to merge the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, in this case related to the national ocean related initiatives.

The inclusion of the Ministry of Science in this institutional framework and the Interministerial MPA Implementation Committee is a milestone for modernizing the institutional framework of the National Oceanographic Research System and strengthening our R&D capabilities of more than 40 centers and over 100 research projects and equipment for this purpose funded by ANID In the past five years.

“From the Ministry of Science we see great opportunities and advantages for the country that must be taken advantage of and given value for scientific development, in order to strengthen and ensure scientific and technological research to generate strong and up-to-date knowledge that allows for a better understanding of the peripheral system and that is the basis for decision-making in public and private organizations and in society, ensuring a healthy and safe environment It is predictable and sustainable. In this sense, Chile has the opportunity to be a sensor of the world by integrating ocean monitoring,” the minister said in his speech.

In this sense, the Commission has highlighted the milestones of oceanographic research in Chile and the progress made to date such as the Ministry of Science’s work with the Ministry of Environment in linking scientific evidence to design the Long-Term Climate Strategy. Term Plan (ECLP) that seeks to fulfill Chile’s commitments to its Nationally Determined Contributions, with the ocean as a hub for integrating initiatives in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

For her part, the Greater Southern Region Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Chain, Olga Barbosa, highlighted the ministry’s inclusion in the Cabinet for Ocean Policy Development and added: “We recognize the importance and relevance that it has scientific work in these processes, especially from our total southern region, which Its productive development is closely related to the ocean. But it is a task that we must undertake together and without losing sight of the ecological value of the surrounding system and, in this context, its main role in confronting the climate crisis. Science allows us to understand the evidence to make correct and timely decisions.”

Science in Ocean Policy

Within the scope of the Ministry of Science’s integration into the National Ocean Policy, the portfolio will lead actions in collaboration with the National Oceanographic Council (CONA) to strengthen the national ocean scientific research system, enhance coordination and operation of the inter-institutional model, and modernize the existing institutional framework for scientific research in this field.

In this objective, the needs and gaps for advanced talent development in ocean sciences will be reviewed, and the monitoring and monitoring system will be strengthened through the Climate Change Observatory to contribute evidence to climate decision-making.

In his speech, the Minister of Science, Anders Cove, stressed that “the study of the ocean and its knowledge through research in different disciplines is the key to understanding its behavior and evolution. Thanks to the contributions of climatology, oceanography, zoology and many more, we have achieved essential knowledge to advance our commitments to protect and conserve resources. and its sustainable use.

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“Chile is an oceanic country with an oceanic projection and a historical relationship between its citizens and the ocean. This uniqueness allows us to enhance our capabilities to measure, monitor and analyze environmental and climatic conditions that will allow us to adapt at the local, regional, national and global levels.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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