Opposition parties in Venezuela have announced they will run in the November 21 election

Opposition parties in Venezuela have announced they will run in the November 21 election
File photo from December 6, 2020, showing a woman voting in the last Venezuelan election in Caracas (photo: EFE)
File photo from December 6, 2020, showing a woman voting in the last Venezuelan election in Caracas (photo: EFE)

At a virtual press conference, The Venezuelan Unity Platform (PUV) has announced that it will field candidates in the November 21 regional elections.First election participation in 2017.

In a statement, PUV highlighted: November 21, 2021 We announce to the national and international community our participation in the regional and municipal process. With the Democratic Solidarity Schedule (MUD) card. We often made this decision after a comprehensive and difficult internal discussion process with the participation of local, regional and national leaders. We move through the difficult situation our country is going through, with a sense of urgency to find lasting solutions to our suffering and with the aim of strengthening unity.”.

Opposition parties in Venezuela have announced they will run in the November 21 election
Opposition parties in Venezuela have announced they will run in the November 21 election

In this sense, the Coalition said: “We know that these elections will not be fair or regular. The dictatorship has imposed severe sanctions that pose a risk of revealing the change in the Venezuelan people. However, we understand that They will be an effective battleground to empower citizens and promote a real solution to our country’s acute crisis: free presidential and legislative elections. We will organize, mobilize and strengthen ourselves in solidarity in the service of Venezuela’s democratic restructuring.

In another statement, the department of the Venezuelan opposition said: “We urge that This decision completes the efforts being made in Mexico and points to a peaceful and negotiated solution. An organized and mobilized country can raise its voice with greater force for democracy, the restoration of power and the liberation of Venezuela from the misery and poverty it now suffers from.

We know that these elections will not be fair or regular."The report states (EFE / MIGUEL GUTIERREZ)
“We know these elections will not be fair or regular” (EFE / MIGUEL GUTIERREZ)

“We recognize the work, effort and commitment of all Venezuelans who have stood firm in this struggle, and it is important that we highlight the work of men and women who are active in political parties or who are part of social organizations. Similarly, we appreciate the support of the Venezuelan people’s independent allies and international allies.. This decision calls us and demands the best of all. Together we will move towards democracy with determination and confidence“, The letter was highlighted.

Meanwhile, the report concludes: “We consider our commitment to redouble our efforts to encourage the Venezuelan people to be part of this struggle and to be able to move forward on the path leading to resolving the serious crisis in Venezuela on November 22nd.: A national agreement and free presidential and parliamentary elections “.

One reason the opposition decided to run was because the EU was leaning towards hiring an election watchdog in November (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)
One reason the opposition decided to run was because the EU was leaning towards hiring an election watchdog in November (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

Opposition He withdrew from the 2018 presidential election and the 2020 legislative elections, He described as fraud. Participation in the November referendum on the new round of talks with the regime, which will resume in Mexico City on September 3, is a central issue. Politicians have asked Maduro to establish basic election guarantees and call for international observer missions to ensure a free and fair election process.

One reason the opposition has decided to run is that the EU is leaning towards maintaining an election monitoring mission in November., Refers to two sources Bloomberg. The European Union (EU) has said it will monitor the referendum only if the opposition parties participateThey added.

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What else, Venezuela’s National Election Council (CNE) Extended to September 1st November 21 Deadline for nominating candidates for regional and municipal electionsAccording to the election schedule, it expires on Sunday, August 29th.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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