Ortega’s deputy, Daniel Ortega Reyes, was elected President of Barlaçin

Ortega’s deputy, Daniel Ortega Reyes, was elected President of Barlaçin

Ortega’s deputy, Daniel Ortega Reyes, has been elected by 100 out of 118 votes as the new speaker of the Central American Parliament (Parlacin), for the term from 2021 to 2022, according to the Central American Authority. through their website.

“The president-elect was the only candidate for the state of Nicaragua to chair the Parlacen board, because the National Bank presented a consensus formula,” says the Central American body.

Read also: Daniel Ortega’s electoral alliance system registers with allied parties prior to CSE

It is expected that on October 28, Ortega Reyes, who is also the president and legal representative of the Christian Unity Party (PUC) – a member of the so-called victorious United Nicaraguan coalition of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) is leading the controversial vote on November 7 – Taking the oath and taking office.

For the upcoming elections, Ortega Reyes has been nominated as a royalist candidate and ranks 12th in Barlassin’s list of deputies submitted by the FSLN, his replacement is Valesca Solano Díaz.

The Nicaraguan seat consists of Jose Antonio Alvarado, Aida Esther Blanco, Julio Cesar Blandon, Francisco Cano, Larissa Colindris, Alida Trujillo, Sidney Francis, Elida Maria Galeano, Martha Marina Gonzalez, Adolfo Martinez Cole, Jaime Morales Carazo and Adolfo Martinez. , Guillermo Daniel Ortega Reyes, Guillermo Osorno, Francisco Ramos Sanchez, Jacinta Reyes Socorro, Orlando Tardincella, Doris Tijerino Haslam, Maria Esperanza Valle and Perla Marcia Vargas.

The presidency is exercised on the basis of “alternating”

At the same time, the Central American Commission clarifies that, in accordance with the founding treaty and bylaws, the presidency will be exercised in a “rotation” manner, in alphabetical order of the member states, starting with the seat of state in Parliament. It confirms that the period from 2021 to 2022 corresponds to the rotating presidency of the state of Nicaragua, after the electoral process that was conducted digitally, on October 25 this year, “suggests Parlasin.

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The Commission has five Vice-Presidents and six secretariats, who hold this position for a period of one year.

Ortega’s representative in Barlassin since 2007

According to the information published, Ortega Reyes has held the seat of Nicaraguan representative before Barlassin since 2007, when the current President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega Saavedra, returned to power.

He currently notes that the evangelical pastor is also the Vice President of International Relations and Immigration Issues in the Central American Parliament (2020-2021) and coordinator of the Parlasen delegation to Eurolat.

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Parlassen also reported that the Vice Presidents elected are: Heidi Carolina Mira Saravia for El Salvador; Mario Roberto Valdivellano, for Guatemala; Engels Martin Pineda Garcia, for Honduras; Sandra Iberia Noriega Serio for Panama and Franklin Rafael de la Cruz Ramos for the Dominican Republic.

In the secretariats of Guatemala elected: Eliana Guadalupe Calis Dominguez; It was pending for El Salvador and Honduras as they took new seats on Thursday 28. For Panama, Oarín Oscar Petía Peña, and for the Dominican Republic, Rosa Enelda Solís Paulino.

Barlasen is a regional and permanent body for the political and democratic representation of the Central American Integration System (SICA) with the primary objective of integrating the Central American states. Its headquarters is located in Guatemala City.

Aygen Marsh

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