Outer space: does the universe have an end? NASA finds a “wall” in our galaxy | Present

Outer space: does the universe have an end?  NASA finds a “wall” in our galaxy |  Present

Many secrets that the universe keeps, and the proof of this is that despite the multiple technologies that exist today, and the attempts of dozens of scientists from all over the world to decipher what is hidden, it is not yet understood. The greatness that hides behind millions of stars.

Despite the limitations, the truth is that there are major developments and even evidence that brings us a little closer to the facts of the universe, such as what NASA scientists discovered recently, realizing that There is a wall in our galaxy that prevents us from seeing beyond.

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Of course, when we hear the word wall we immediately think of whether he has finally discovered that the universe has a limit, or if we can figure out where our solar system ends.

As far as is known, it was the wall that was discovered by the space agency The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft have arrived. In fact, it took 35 and 41 years, respectively.

Using these data, it can now be confirmed that the boundaries of our galaxy with the rest are formed by hydrogen molecules.

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It is known as the heliosphere and is formed when uncharged hydrogen atoms collide with charged atoms by the solar wind, forming helium ovals. This is something astrophysicists already know in theory, but never really noticed until now.

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NASA explains that this is important because the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft are the first to get in and out of it. One of them has an ultraviolet spectrometer and made it possible to take some pictures of the wall.

According to scientists, to confirm the theory, ships must pass through this wall to continue taking pictures. This way they will be able to detect the extent of the solar influence.

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If the spectrometer detects a decrease in visible particles, this means that the influence of the Sun is ending, but if it continues, it could mean that there is a greater effect than initially considered … or that something is expelling a great deal of energy It is even affecting our solar system .

This will also allow the discovery of the beginnings of new galaxies, such as the Alpha Centaury which is 75,000 years away at the current speed of Voyager.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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