Paztan City Council is committed to providing a stable space for research and innovation in rural areas

Paztan City Council is committed to providing a stable space for research and innovation in rural areas

Elizondo – The Baztan City Council intends to promote a stable space linked to research and innovation in rural areas on the Lekaroz Campus, and for this it has the support of the Department of Business Policy, International Projection and the work of the Navarre Government. Thus, in Thursday’s regular plenary session, the city council approved a budget amendment of €14,500 (excluding VAT) to draft the draft and submit it to European aid. The proposal received 8 votes for EH Bildu, Baztango Ezkerra and Geroa Bai and 3 against Navarra Suma. The Navarre government will support the remaining half of the budget.

The city council of Baztan wanted in recent years to encourage a continuous reflection on the rural environment, which has been embodied in various seminars, summer schools and various meetings. One of the most notable results was the extensive network of contacts left by this path: UPV, UPNA, AgroParisTech, Eusko Ikaskuntza, Aranzadi Science Society, Uharte Center for Contemporary Art, INTIA, Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara …

As a result of these initiatives, the Baztan City Council saw the potential to create a multidisciplinary rural research and innovation space: food systems, demography, culture, landscape, biodiversity, urban planning and architecture, among others.

After speaking and thinking with the various agents interested in the project, it was necessary to apply for cross-border and/or European aid and to hire a consultant in order to prepare the technical proposals. The approved budget amendment responds to this.

In this way, the consultancy to be contracted will cooperate in the organization of the Cross-Border Symposium to be held in the fall at the Lekaroz Campus, in the development of the programme, in the identification and communication of participants and in the conference itself.

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The symposium is promoted by the Baztan City Council, the Directorate of Business Policy, the International Projection and Labor of the Navarre Government, and a group of researchers from UPV.

Likewise, the consultancy to be employed should identify and contact, in cooperation with the three entities mentioned, agents who may be interested in participating in the Centre. Finally, you must write the project file so that you can introduce yourself to the calls of Euroregional and Poctefa.

NASUVENSA The plenary session of the Baztan City Council, in its last session, approved the launch of the project for energy renewal in built environments in the valley in cooperation with Nasuvinsa, and for this reason, it approved an agreement with the said entity. The agreement was supported by all groups.

Specifically, the objective of the project is to be able to carry out revitalization works and support energy renewal projects for the selected residential park. Thus, by agreeing, on the one hand, coordinated actions for the energy rehabilitation of residential buildings, the improvement of thermal installations, the promotion of high-efficiency alternative installations, the incorporation of renewable energies into buildings and the improvement and adaptation of a space for public use. On the other hand, the obligations of Nasuvinsa and the Baztan City Council are set to achieve these goals.

The objective of the agreement is to create a framework for maximum management cooperation that makes it possible to develop dynamic and support tasks in the energy renewal projects of the selected residential park. This agreement has a dual purpose. On the other hand, support the implementation of coordinated actions for the rehabilitation of residential buildings with energy; Optimizing thermal formulations, promoting high-efficiency alternative formulations; incorporation of renewable energies into buildings; Optimizing the space and adapting it for public use.

On the other hand, the conditions of participation and provision of technical assistance service are regulated by Nasuvinsa and the conditions of participation of Baztan City Council.

The scope of the agreement is limited to the municipality of Paztan and involves a total scope of potential work for 76 gates and 423 homes in homogeneous neighborhoods of collective dwellings in the blocks of Elizondo, Irrorita, Areoz, Arizcon, Arezzo and Oronoz.

Thus, Nasuvinsa will dedicate 11 hours a week to a service technician in Baztan over three years.

The city council will help finance the service with a contribution of €4,140 and will make its human and material resources available to the project.

At the same time, in this initial phase, the city council will evaluate the implementation of two global intervention projects, one for the Geltexordi district and the other for the Cale Apartán district, both in Elizondo.

Other cases In the plenary session, several amendments to the budget were approved for the implementation of various works. Among them, a clause of 5,700 euros was approved for the renovation work of the laundry room in the Apaioa neighborhood of Azpilkueta. The amendment was unanimously approved by the members of the institution.

On the other hand, two budget amendments were also approved to carry out improvement work in the Luiseau municipal slaughterhouse and to purchase materials. The two items were approved by 8 votes in favor of A Beldo, Paztango Izquera and Giroa Bay and 3 votes against Navarra Soma, one of 23,500 euros for the acquisition of new machinery and another of 6,200 euros for replacement and improvement works in the slaughterhouse.

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Finally, a new budget amendment for the implementation of electronic management in the amount of €1,100 was unanimously approved.

Last Thursday’s plenum also saw the first participation of the new chancellor of EH Bildu, Idoia Sobrino López, who, after completing all administrative formalities, takes over the duties of Marijo Garmendia Urtizberea, who resigned last May.


Research and innovation. The city council will develop a project for submission to various grants. It will contribute €14,500 and the Navarre government itself.

Nasovencea. It will renovate 423 homes in the valley.

Laundry. Renovation of the Apaioa laundry will cost 5,700 euros.

Luizo. The municipal slaughterhouse will have new machines worth 23,500 euros, and improvements for 6,200 euros.

Electonic management. The implementation of electronic management will cost 1,100 euros.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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