Pedro Castillo: “What they call vacancy today has become fashionable, calling it homelessness” nndc | Policy

Pedro Castillo: “What they call vacancy today has become fashionable, calling it homelessness” nndc |  Policy
EC . formulation

President of the Republic He criticized those who talk about the promotion of a vacancy against him. He pointed out that he considered “lazy” to talk about the implementation of this constitutional mechanism.

“We are not interested These rumors, today what they call vacancy is in vogue, yeah well, I call it laziness, because that’s what only lazy people think, Those who year after year had to live from the state, and today they miss the “bottle”, and for this they lie and deceive people ”, He emphasized during his speech from the province jian, in the area Cajamarca.

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Pedro Castillo: “What they call vacancy today has become fashionable, and I call it vagrancy”

In addition, the presiding officer announced that the Cabinet session It will be held in Cusco, in order to achieve decentralization in the work of the government.

“We instructed on Friday that the Wednesday session of the Council of Ministers is not in Lima but in Cusco, Because we have to go out and show that we can work with people,” added.

see here | Pedro Castillo’s refusal arose in the south in the first three months of rule

At another time, Castillo Tironez reiterated his commitment to his campaign proposals and indicated that he was not a member “traitor”. He said that there are sectors that still do not accept losing the elections.

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My dear brothers, it is true what the leaders say, how much does it cost them to assimilate those who ruled the country that today a man of the people came to rule, and how much does it cost them to accept those who could not at the polls, and that today in the streets they cannot and cannot in the squares. I have come to ratify the obligation to the fatherland, and to ratify the obligation to the people, always faithful, never traitors.” expression.

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