People over the age of 60 can be vaccinated against chronic diseases Government

People over the age of 60 can be vaccinated against chronic diseases  Government

As of Thursday, people over the age of 60 with chronic diseases can be vaccinated in a systematic manner, which was signed by Health Secretary Carlos Mellado Lopez as part of the new Administrative Order 2021-486. Executive Order No. 2021-486 will be extended for 30 days, and it is The purpose is to prioritize vaccination of the most vulnerable people.

“We have been able to vaccinate 25% of the island’s elderly, and we look forward to continuing our work to vaccinate every person in Puerto Rico. However, with the advent of more vaccines, it is important to start integrating other people into a regular process. Therefore, starting next week, 60 to 64 year olds and chronic It is important to emphasize that despite the increase in the number of vaccines we receive, we are not going to allow everyone to be vaccinated at the same time as we would like them to be, ”Mellado Lopez explained.

According to conditions identified by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its abbreviation in English): These diseases include: cancer, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis or alpha-1 antitrispin deficiency), an organ of Down Alternative treatment may result in syndrome, heart disease (heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathy), and an immune defect (weakened immune system). These guidelines are for all established vaccination centers, except those dedicated to vaccinating education system staff.

The Secretary of Health stressed that new people who need to be vaccinated must submit a medical recommendation that attests to the patient’s condition and these include those exposed to OA. “The instructions remain the same at this time, and we continue to vaccinate adults over the age of 65 at all vaccination centers, without exception,” he said.

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This executive order was issued by D.S. Instructs inspectors to monitor all vaccination centers to inspect their compliance, which demonstrates that vaccination phases approved by the department will be strictly followed. It is noteworthy that vaccination of adults 65 years of age or older continues its course, as specified in Administrative Order No. 2021-480.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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