PLD will not appeal the Supreme Administrative Court’s ruling

PLD will not appeal the Supreme Administrative Court’s ruling

The Political Committee of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) took a decision this Thursday not to appeal the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court (TSA), which overturned the decision of the Central Electoral Council (JCE), on majority parties and the distribution of public funds.

Resolution No. 01-2021 of the JCE determined that only the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) and the Democratic Liberation Party have obtained sufficient votes to distribute 80% of public funds.

However, the TSA ruling recognized Fuerza del Pueblo (FP) and Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD) as majority forces. Following this decision, the Political Committee announced last week that it would file an appeal with the High Court of Justice.

In the morning hours of Thursday, the meeting took place as the media could not reach and after the party members left, the Secretary-General of the Dominican Liberation Party, Charlie Mariotti, confined himself to saying that “the legal secretariat will issue a statement.”

“In this sense, the PLD, after a process of reflection on the importance of contributing to the strengthening of the party system, has decided not to resort to the TSA provision, despite the fact that the said provision lacks the basic legal grounds for raising political parties’ access to a fundamental right of public funds; and decides to apply the principle of advantage in an appropriate manner in a situation known to be inappropriate,” reads a press release published by the PLD.

Likewise, the aforementioned organization is credited with having taken the decision “not only in favor of one party, as ordered by a judicial decision, but in a manner that is cross-sectional for all political parties, groups and movements in the system, so as not to affect those other political organizations.”

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With this provision they highlight that other organizations will receive greater economic resources for their operation and operation.

In addition, the Dominican Liberation Party takes the opportunity to denounce that with the immediate implementation of the ruling, despite the prohibition expressly provided for in the TSA Resolution, the Central Electoral Council has flagrantly violated the principle of legality, each time this Act 834 of 1978 and Law 3726 of Cassation, as amended by Law 491-08, states that no judgment irrevocably gains the authority and force of a res judicata during the statutory period of appeal; this decision is of great concern to the PLD because this fact represents an act of bias by an arbitrator called to be Neutral,” said the purple side.

Aygen Marsh

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