Port of Las Palmas gives new logistical space to Miller Logística |

Port of Las Palmas gives new logistical space to Miller Logística |

 Port of Las Palmas gives new logistical space to Miller Logística

the Las Palmas Port (Spain) has agreed to the Miller Logistics public domain concession to occupy 6,147 square meters of space in Functional Zone 4 of the Canary Enclave for a period of twelve years. The main objective of the Boluda subsidiary is to use this space of the public domain of the port for the storage, consolidation, deconsolidation, consolidation and distribution of goods.

In turn, the Port Authority decided to apply rates corresponding to the year 2021 for the occupancy of the public domain, amounting to 63261.54 euros, against an amount for works and installations of 86,621.41 euros.

The activity rate will be 3% of the annual net turnover. In particular , Miller and Sia Established as a shipping agency since 1854 in the port of Las Palmas, becoming part of the Boluda Corporación Marítima in 1994.

In all, Miller y Cía has 17 offices in Spain, four in Cape Verde, two in Mauritania and three in Portugal, providing freight services for container ships, ro-ro ships, cruise ships, oil tankers, dry cargo and bulk cargo. Tankers, tug boats and gas tankers, among others.

On the other hand, MSC expects to complete the controversial concession of the new container terminal in the port of Valencia next October. However, the company still does not have everything to win, because as the general manager of its Spanish subsidiary, Francisco Llorente, explained this week, the prize will be “If there are no circumstances preventing it”.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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