President Lenin Moreno appointed Tania Varela as Commander-in-Chief of the National Police; They reject the request of the Board of Grievances | Ecuador | News

President Lenin Moreno appointed Tania Varela as Commander-in-Chief of the National Police;  They reject the request of the Board of Grievances |  Ecuador |  News

Moreno and Varela cited the lawsuit filed by the Ombudsman’s Office against those responsible for the events that took place in October 2019.

At noon on Wednesday, March 24, President Lenin Moreno appointed the new Commander-in-Chief of the National Police, Tania Varela, the first woman to hold the position in Ecuador.

Varela indicated that she holds the position with great humility and commitment, thanked the words of her children, and said that she was happy and blessed. He thanked the Chair for the appointment. It will be responsible for about 53,000 police officers.

A lawsuit from the Board of Grievances about the events of October

Before and during the event, Moreno and Varela referred to the lawsuit filed by the Ombudsman’s Office against some of the current regime officials for crimes against humanity in the October 2019 protests..

On the “In Front of the President,” Moreno indicated that the Ombudsman, Freddy Carrion, had brought charges, including crimes against humanity, against government officials, and that he would seize Tania Varela, the first woman commander in chief. To the police, in honor of the policemen who defended the cities of Ecuador decisively and prevented shortages.

For alleged crimes against humanity, investigation is requested of President Lenin Moreno and others

“An accusation to strongly defend an entire country, policewomen have been kidnapped, touched, sprayed with gasoline, and journalists. They thought that I was in the barracks of La Balbina, in Sangulki, and legions came to search for me, and tried to keep me a fire, it is happening now that in this strange, strange, strange and crazy world We are the ones to blame, “the president said, before ending the program.

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Moreno noted that former Minister Maria Paula Romo and other authorities ordered not to fire a single shot, unlike the demonstrators who did what they do with it. “If defending a city was a crime against humanity, then let us accuse us, in addition to the existence of a clear political coalition, the Ombudsman. The investigation, which was supposed to last 90 days, took 500 days, in the middle of the electoral period, what a coincidence.”, Confirmed.

Meanwhile, after possession Varela said that in those days the rights of police officers were violated, who defend guarantees and freedoms, but are above all human beings..

“We had women who were mistreated, mistreated, policemen who were mistreated, took off their clothes and had to lie several times because one of them said she was pregnant so as not to hit her, which made her more angry, and they killed her and hit her stomach.” Varela said: “We had it. Police officers in Bugele were kidnapped for five days, and they were taken out every night, while they were drunk, to teach them what it was like to be when you had a man.

Prison crisis

Government Minister Gabriel Martinez noted that Varela’s appointment is a milestone not only in the country, but also in the region. Referring to the conditions in prisons, he said that security mechanisms are being strengthened in the centers.

Varela added that they have strengthened the external security of the prisons, which presented most of the problems, such as the Guayaquil Regional District, El Torre and Latacunga. (I am)

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Aygen Marsh

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