Provincial Council – The Provincial Council hosts a solidarity exhibition about Kroger in the Women’s Space – Spain

Provincial Council – The Provincial Council hosts a solidarity exhibition about Kroger in the Women’s Space – Spain

The Almería Provincial Council presented an exhibition of photographs taken in the Kruger National Park, in South Africa, and the book “On the Kruger Trails” by Pilar Díaz, whose funds will collaborate with the “Ellas en Acción” association.

This exhibition, consisting of 30 images, can now be visited until April 2, excluding holidays, in the Women's Space Room, in the Special Delegation for Equality and Family of the Almería Provincial Council, in Plaza Marín.

The representative of equality and family, María Luisa Cruz, and the author of the book and photographs, Pilar Díaz, presented this exhibition that aims for people to see and learn about the association “Hers in Action”, and those who wish to cooperate with that association and can achieve their purposes with any of the photographs. Or the book.

Cruz invited all residents of Almería to come and visit this great exhibition and buy the book or the pictures on display, with the benefits going to the “Ellas en Acción” association, which aims to improve the cultural life and social development of the city of Almería. South African women.

The representative from the provincial council explained, “We are open to helping these charitable causes.”

For her part, the author of the exhibition indicated that this exhibition consists of a series of “natural photographs of the Kruger region to introduce the region and compare it to the difficult life that the women of the region live and who know that in South Africa there are women who need help.”

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Throughout this book you can see many photographs of animals, taken by Pilar Díaz on her many trips to Kruger. Through the same Pilar aims to help women residing in rural areas of Mpumalanga.

“These women find themselves in a precarious situation, where their access to resources is reduced making their development impossible, their opportunities in the environment are limited, making them dependent on the men in their families and they have to overcome many difficulties in accessing resources and opportunities,” he said.

Among the association's goals is to provide the necessary tools to achieve this for women residing in this region who wish to develop: training with workshops for vocations, environmental education to benefit from and respect the environment, health education and family planning and access to computers and the Internet.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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