Quality Educational Tools during Covid-19

Quality Educational Tools during Covid-19

All of the worlds is going through a serious pandemic situation, and this is all because of the corona outburst since which happened last year around the same time. As the covid-19 anniversary is approaching, experts recommend that we should start learning how to live with it as there is no telling when we would get rid of it. In this short post, we are going to tell our readers about the educational tools that can assist you in your educational life in this pandemic. There are thousands of educational tools available all across the globe, but not all of them are reliable. Today you are going to get information about the top-quality tools available online for your help!


The first online tool in our list today is known as Edmodo. This is an educational tool that can help you connect with your teachers and vice versa if you are a teacher/instructor. This tool is assimilated into a social network which helps in the improvement of communication between the two parties. With this tool, you can enjoy many features and advantages, teachers can link with their desired features, and in the same way, students can use the ones that suit them best. Creating collaborative groups, administering performance and providing educational material online is quite easy with this tool. You will be astonished to know that over 40 million users are already connecting with these services daily. 


This online tool is designed by a group of engineers and businessmen who were devoted to improving the education system that exists in this world. This tool is a complete system that can help teachers in creating learning exercises in terms of games and other fun activities. Students can use this online tool on mobile devices as well as on their operating systems to solve the games and the puzzles created by their teachers. After completing the games, students can submit their results to the teachers who can then check the results and based on these results can prepare lessons for weak students accordingly. 

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Plagiarism Checker by SearchEngineReports

The plagiarism checker by Searchenginereports.net is one of the best online tools that can scan your work for duplication. The importance of this plagiarism checker has increased in this pandemic times because students have started copying content from the internet for completing their assignments. Now, this plagiarism tool is best for students as well for teachers who want to check assignments for duplication. This plagiarism detector can be used without any prior experience. This is very simple tool as there are no limitations to use it. You just have to enter the content in plagiarism checker free input box and hit the ‘Check Plagiarism’ button! The copyright checker would help you check a file in less than seconds!


This is yet another online tool that allows you to create social engagement and digital presentations. With this tool, teachers can prepare interesting presentations and lessons for their students. This online tool would help you in creating interactive maps, links, online quizzes, social media timelines also in adding video content in the slides. This is the best online utility that can help teachers in spicing up the interest of digital classrooms. The reason that we recommend this tool is that today people are more interested in visual content rather than text!

Thing Link

The thinglink is a tool that can help educators or teachers in creating interactive images. One can add music clips, audio sound clips, texts and even photographs with this online tool. One can share this kind of content on different social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This online tool offers the possibility to teachers for creating learning methodologies which can interestingly cater to the interest of the students. This tool is immensely helpful if one wants to expand their knowledge!

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Class Dojo

This is yet another educational tool that can help in the improvement of student behavior. With this online tool, teachers can easily give their feedback to students about their performance on different subjects and assignments. This tool is famous because of its quality and easy services; you must know that it is important in this pandemic situation because teachers and students cannot connect in terms of physical classrooms. Based on the feedback by the teachers, students can easily help themselves in improving in certain subjects.


This online tool is considered to be the best one as it allows the creation of high-quality videos on mobile phones. Students can submit their video presentations with the help of this application. Teachers can also make and share inspiring video content with the help of this online application. Providing audiovisual content is very easy with Animoto and so should give it a go.

Tommy Vercetti

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