Raquel Becker excluded what his followers think?

Raquel Becker excluded what his followers think?
Claudia Ramos


Claudia Ramos

It makes sense that as the weeks go by in Season Five of United States xatlonSundays days of struggle to keep getting tough and emotional. Although totally safe, we dare say that even today, the toughest elimination event occurred on March 21, in which the contender was defeated. Raquel Baker, One of the strongest women on her team, who fought with her teeth and nails to the end.

Fight for the permanence of March 21

The battle to continue to compete took place at one of America’s most complex Exatlon arenas, the “Arena of Power,” where the men of the Famosos team and the women of the Contendientes team were in danger, who was defeated in a competition. From heart attack as she was playing until the end in absolutely equal conditions.

Since contestants who were not favored by score in the final battle for survival, the blue women were in danger and had to go to elimination. This is where everything becomes more complicated, with Anna Barra injured, and Denis Novoa as captain upon arrival, and after injury, Claudia Ramos will get the lowest score, and according to the decision of “La Pantera” Novoa, it was Raquel Baker and Claudia Ramos who faced each other. Some are in a final battle to stay competitive.

Raquel leaves Baker and the controversy ignites

With the departure of Raquel Baker of Team Contendientes, and thus of the competition, she is without a doubt one of the strongest contenders in the fifth season of Exatlon United States.

On her second time in Exatlon, Baker not only turned down the opportunity to participate in an international competition in the specialty of parkour, which she had been practicing for many years, but she also came back with more confidence, and totally determined to succeed, which was evident in each of his passes.

With Raquel Becker gone, the impossible has come true. Followers of the two teams, famous and rival, joined in one call, to make sure it was an unfair situation as everything was organized to eliminate Raquel, thus leaving the way free for Dennis Novoa, who despite being one of the best female athletes, has stayed out of circulation for a long time. , While Raquel did not stop participating and scoring points.

Supporters of Exatlon speak to the United States

Fans’ reactions did not last long, until they pleaded with Raquel to return, for a director who was unanimously classified as unfair. Followers in our area Facebook group Commented: “I am red but I think it was unfair that she left after leaving everything in those yards while the tiger is“ supposedly recovering. ”She and Anna jumped into the team to do their best. The very happy and comfortable tiger is still there. 😡

Others assert that even Anna Bara would have faked her injury, so that it would not be eliminated: “What they did to Raquel was so ugly because she wasn’t the one who had to go to the knockout, it was Claudia and Anna, what a coincidence that poor Raquel is back today after I knocked out the team when the others were apparently injured.”

Either way, we assume that this game will demoralize the Blue Team, which has lost one of its best fighters.

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Muhammad Bourn

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