Renovation of Ejea de los Caballeros as ‘City of Science and Innovation’

Renovation of Ejea de los Caballeros as ‘City of Science and Innovation’

The Ministry of Science and Innovation renewed the distinction between Igea de los Caballeros as a city of science and innovation and informed this Council through a letter. “I hope that your participation in the Innpulso Network will be a valuable asset to your city, as well as to all of its members, and that science and innovation will help us improve our quality of life and improve sustainability.” This was determined by the decision of the Secretary-General for Science, Technology and Innovation of May 31 by the Government of Spain in which it was formally informed that the nomination submitted by the city merited the renewal of this recognition.

This distinction recognizes the important efforts that are being made to promote economic sustainability and improve a pattern of growth based on knowledge and innovation. Ejea de los Caballeros is part of the association Red Innpulso, which is the meeting point and information for the municipalities that have obtained this concession.

Ejea de los Caballeros has been putting this seal on since 2011 when it was first acquired.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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