Ricky Martin sends a powerful message to those who stop following him on social media

Ricky Martin sends a powerful message to those who stop following him on social media

Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin He set aside a space on social networks to respond to those who decided to stop following him on social media, after posting a picture with her husband, Jwan Youssef.

But far from worrying that they are no longer following him, he flags down the message this implies.

Pause… Today I want to talk to you from my weakest side… A week ago I uploaded some pictures with my husband for a special issue of the magazine Hahahahahahahahaha. It was a great experience for both of us and a way to celebrate our pride. What I didn’t expect, especially after all the work that’s been done for so many years, is that a huge number of people decided to stop following us or comment in a derogatory way. Of course, it’s not the number of followers that worries me, but rather the message behind their decision that made me feel the same way I had years ago before I publicly shared about my sexual orientation. This same fear that paralyzed and tortured me and did not allow me to do so. Today I see the pictures and what I feel is a complete comfort to be able to celebrate my family as it deserves, in style. To celebrate me as I am, no matter what they say. And this fear that I have just spoken of no longer paralyzes me, on the contrary, it gives me more strength and motivates me to continue working for the well-being of the millions of people who suffer every day because of lack of acceptance. What I wish most in this life is for all of us to feel free, proud of ourselves, happy, loved, respected and accepted. To express ourselves how we are born without revenge or punishment. It is unfair to continue to lose valuable lives due to prejudice and lack of education. To all those who feel lost or underappreciated for who they are and want to be, they are not alone, there is a large community waiting for them with open arms. It’s worth a lot, please don’t forget. #pride # ScheherazadeHe reads a post that in a matter of minutes has reached thousands of likes.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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