Robot Dogs: New cops with artificial intelligence patrol the streets of New York

Robot Dogs: New cops with artificial intelligence patrol the streets of New York

A very strange new ally combats crime on the busy streets of New York: He weighs little, needs no salary or health insurance, he doesn’t eat, and he never complains.

New York Police deployed their new robot dog at a robbery scene in The Bronx Tuesday morning.

Video capture “Digidog” Four blue and black legs jogging on the sidewalk with his operators. The robot dog responded to the home invasion and placed the barricade at 227 East Street near White Plains Road in Wakefield.

Police officers confirmed that they responded to this address yesterday to conduct an ongoing investigation and did not find anyone there. Previously, the NYPD also dispatched a robot dog in October to shoot at Brooklyn, After the gunman hid in a nearby basement.

A New York Police spokeswoman said yesterday The 70lb robot is still in the testing phase. It is equipped with lights and cameras that allow human beings to see their “surroundings in real time”. He indicated that the communication is bidirectional New York Post.

You don’t know how many of these robots the NYPD actually has. Dog ” You can run about three and a half miles and climb stairs. New York Police Department Technical Assistance Response Unit (TARU) members said ABC News in December. “This dog will save lives, protect people and officers, and that is our goal,” said TARU’s inspector, Frank DiGiacomo.

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“This robot is capable of using Artificial intelligence To move between things, and very complex environments, ”added NYPD Depot John.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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