Russia will shoot a movie in space!

Russia will shoot a movie in space!
Russia will conduct its first space imaging and we will tell you about this ambitious project.

Shipenko . climb Unpublished assignment when shooting his last movie: the challenge, Because it would become the first work to be filmed in space. If everything goes according to plan, production will begin in the next stage October 5, 2021 It will be filmed over 12 days.

In order to realize the film, the production team has been training for the past year in Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, who is in star city On the outskirts of Moscow.


Similar project in Hollywood

If this was photographed Russia I will beat the race Hollywood, specially Tom Cruise, who has been trying for years to implement a similar project according to collider It will cost at least $ 200 million, which according to rumors worldwide can be financed.

Although no study is accepted for the project, it has support SpaceX and the NASA, At the same time Doug Lyman –maker edge of tomorrow– It will be the project manager.

Where will the launch be seen?

Although this event can be considered as a new space race between United State And Russia, CEO of Channel One Who governs the country? Russian President Vladimir Putin: Konstantin Ernst, mentioned diverse He would have liked me to repeat a task together like the one between USSR And United State In 1972:

“We would certainly have preferred to get to the International Space Station at the same time with Tom Cruise, we would have enjoyed shooting the movie together a lot more.”

The launch will be broadcast live to the entire world on Channel One from Russia, since the words Konstantin Ernst this fact “It will be an impressive reality show and an opportunity to attract millions of viewers.”

See also  Scientific experiments that seek to facilitate human life in space
Moviegoers and moviegoers, what do you think of this new project from Russia?

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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