Science determines the most efficient way to park your car online
One of the biggest challenges for new drivers is learning how to park properly, even some very experienced drivers still don’t know how to park to the side or parallel. Not only that, as if learning to park wasn’t hard enough, we often found places impossible due to the car not being able to make use of the space.
In light of this context, Australian researchers Benji Marks and Emily Moylan have come up with the most effective way to parallel park and make the most of public spaces. A very simple method if we do all of them, we can park several vehicles in the same place.

Infographic from DGT on how to do online parking
Well the key will be to stand at one end, and leave as much space as possible at the other. According to the researchers, we should get as close as possible to one of the neighboring cars, yes, while leaving a small space so that we can get out without difficulty.
While the method may seem like an obvious thinking to everyone, the truth is that most drivers choose to park in the middle of the available space, in order to have an easier time getting out later without doing too many maneuvers.

The researchers guarantee that this method will increase the area so that they can park more vehicles.
To do this, they analyzed four possible parking strategies: park as far back as possible within the available space, park in the middle of the available space, park at either end of the available space, and park randomly anywhere in the space.
By simulating what would happen if demand exceeded supply, they found that the worst strategy for taking advantage of parking is to park in the middle of the space, as this dramatically reduces the number of cars that can park. While standing randomly improves the use of space, although not enough.

Simulation of the four possible parking strategies
Parking at one end turns out to be the best strategy in the simulator as it allows more cars to park in the same spot. Therefore, the researchers ask that “next time you encounter an unmarked parallel parking lot, try to park in the front or back of the place.”
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