Scientists have discovered a new rock made of plastic, which is serious news for the planet

Scientists have discovered a new rock made of plastic, which is serious news for the planet

Scientists are very concerned about microplastics, which have created dangerous new sedimentary rocks

Scientists have discovered a new rock made of plastic, which is serious news for the planet
Plastistones are new sedimentary rocks discovered by scientists that say a lot about our way of life

In today's world, society and scientists are becoming increasingly aware of pollution.. Decades of industrialization and polluting discharges have led to today's serious problem with so-called microplastics. These microscopic residues are literally everywhere, even in rainwater Now they have also created a strange and dangerous rock.

For decades, humans have not worried about pollution. Now, because of this situation, we are living in a period where everyone is trying to pull together their strength to go back. One of the most serious problems is microplastics, which are small plastic particles that have found their way into many places and living organisms. This is the quantity New rocks appeared in eleven countries and are now known as plasterstone.

On all five continents there is a new rock: made of plastic and dangerous

Plastistone is a sedimentary rock that has not been officially recognized by the scientific community, although it is expected that it will soon be. This rock is strange and disturbing and shows the danger looming over us. It is formed on the basis of natural rocks and agglomerated plastic. During the passage of time.

The new sedimentary rock looks very strange – it looks like metal, but in fact it is a solid mass of plastic garbage. In short, it is the last stage of plastic waste, as bags or straws made from this material do not remain in their natural state for a long time. But it degrades and collapses over time..

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When smaller pieces are manufactured, they become microscopic in size and shape It enters more easily not only in living organisms such as fish or birdsIn humans as well. Such an operation caused this in March 2023 A geologist has announced that she has made a “disturbing” discovery. On a remote island in Brazil. These were stones fused with plastic garbage.

The melting created a new type of sedimentary rock. This means that we are talking about plastic that has formed rocks such as limestone, dolomite, sandstone or shale. As scholars have pointed out, This is not good, on the contrary, it is problematic and dangerous..

Green color of plasterstone It can confuse many fish and animals Which feed on algae. This would cause dangerous ingestion of plastic, which would put all these organisms in an uncomfortable situation, as their organisms would be affected by the pollutants carried by these rocks.

There is no doubt that man has changed the balance on the face of the Earth in the last hundred years. There is a rush to address all of this, and perhaps plastic-eating bacteria will be the best solution in the future, if they arrive in time. We'll have to wait and see what happens.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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