Seeks centers to vaccinate education staff for national employees

Seeks centers to vaccinate education staff for national employees

The Puerto Rico National Guard (GNPR) Today, Thursday, the mayors ’collaboration will identify seven cities that could be used as vaccination centers for teachers, as well as teachers, teaching staff and universities in government and private schools.

GNPR General Vice President Jose Reyes said the expectation was that the facilities would be ready by January 18 or earlier.

The petition came today as part of a meeting between the GNPR leadership and the health department to partner and federal mayors.

“This is a large population and it will be a separate initiative from other regional vaccination centers,” he said. Departure for education (DE), in addition to those in private schools, universities and preschools.

Teaching and non-teaching individuals will be vaccinated simultaneously, which is of concern to about 400,000 people over the age of 65, and about 200,000 people who work as first responders, such as police, firefighters and emergencies. Medical.

ED Nursing staff began relevant training to obtain certification as vaccine providers Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in English). Approximately 900 health professionals will be distributed to provide vaccinations to academic staff at seven regional centers.

Appointed Health Secretary Carlos Mellado stressed that the opening of schools is conditional on vaccinating staff, that the percentage of infections is appropriate and how the new strain of the virus works.

“We proposed a goal because if we don’t have a goal, we’re going to talk about opening schools for a whole year,” Mellado said.

Meanwhile, the appointed education secretary, Elba Abbott, pointed out that he had prepared draft plans for returning to face-to-face classes. He acknowledged that in some municipalities, such as Kunica, temporary schools would have to be run because of severe damage to school infrastructure. Of the 855 schools that DE has opened, about 140 schools have been listed as ineligible or partially compatible after the earthquakes, he explained.

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Stick with the goal for the summer

On the other hand, Reyes hoped that the goal of vaccinating 80% of Puerto Rico’s population would be achieved this summer because he promised that more than the 30,000 weekly vaccines currently arriving in Puerto Rican ports would be manufactured and exported soon. . “As production increases, 100,000 vaccines should come to Puerto Rico at some point in a week, but it will stumble,” the general said.

From Jan. 16 to 18, he estimated that 70 or 80% of the vaccine had reached the health professionals who make up the first phase.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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