Set up more tents in the center of the grippers to increase the space – News Now

Set up more tents in the center of the grippers to increase the space – News Now

emergency team The city of Laredo was seen It is necessary to set up more tents to be able to increase the space in the center of the clutch.

The center of the community contract is the center non-profit community To promote the health and well-being of immigrant families from 2013 to date. He receives community support with food and volunteer work to be able to support those who need it most. In recent months he has She supports immigrants You give them food and a roof. Given the scale of the epidemic, the virus that arrived Centro Holdings Those in charge of the place say they have tight control over security protocols. Now that many of these people have been found to have the virus, they must now be tested.

The Migrant Shelter was waiting for a bus to be able to provide assistance to the migrants, and approximately 150 people were received, to be able to provide them with humanitarian aid during their migration.

receipt process Migrants continue to do the sameEvery time someone arrives, they have to fill out a series of forms and get tested for COVID 19.

In case someone goes out Positive isolated with all his relatives In order to comply with the quarantine and try to avoid infection.

The authorities are responsible for isolating everyone who has tested positive, even if they have children, the whole family is self-isolating and It is constantly monitored To keep them safe, food and what is needed are provided to them in a safe manner so that they do not have to leave and are able to infect more migrants.

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The tents erected in the clutch center are a real help for workers and immigrants, with This installation space is larger and work This can be done best, as you protect yourself from extreme heat or rain. This way the authorities can do a better job of treating migrants.

positive cases Sent to quarantine Negatives are sent to nonprofit organizations that help immigrants such as Catholics.

Izer Hector

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