Some 4,963 police officers have yet to report for work this weekend

Some 4,963 police officers have yet to report for work this weekend

The police Office I reported, through written communications, that between yesterday, Friday and Saturday, 4,963 officers did not report for duty as part of a mass absenteeism campaign. in rejecting cuts to their pension system and the poor working conditions they face on a daily basis.

And Uniformada pointed out that yesterday it recorded about 4,755 absences, while today, Saturday, it recorded 208.

police commissioner, Antonio Lopez FigueroaAnd He explained that due to the activation of the alternative emergency plan that forced members of the investigation units to cover patrol shifts, the number of shifts and schedules were changed..

López Figueroa highlighted, during the latest officer graduation ceremony held in Gurabo on October 13, that the duty roster includes 12,057 police officers. However, there are only 10,400 officers on active duty, so at the moment just over half of all qualified police officers are on duty.

“This modification results in a breakup for the purposes of creating comparable items. Therefore, we have decided to provide an estimate number at the daily close. Tomorrow we will provide an update corresponding to today’s close. In this way, the numbers may be comparable,” Lopez Figueroa said in the letter.

“We are committed to working transparently in this process and the governor (Pedro Pierluisi) has been clear in his position to provide accurate data. We will continue to do so,” Lopez Figueroa said.

On the other hand, a secretary Public Safety Department (DSP), Alexis Torres’s photo“In line with our mission, all DSP officials and their companies are activated to provide support and security to citizens,” he stressed.

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The latest absenteeism drive in the police force is due to their rejection of the precarious working conditions they are exposed to on a daily basis, in particular due to cuts to their pensions which have been cut by half or a quarter. what they were before.

After an emergency meeting last Tuesday with union representatives, Pierluisi stipulated the increase in Uniformada’s retirement and granting medical coverage to retired agents until the end of Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy, something he estimated would happen in mid-2022.

“Decent retirement I must admit that once we get out of this bankruptcy, we will be in a better position. What happens this is up to the board of directors. It is the supervisory body that stopped and we will see if it changes its position”, responded aside with the press, after participating in a symposium with the Chamber of Commerce, at the Caribe Hilton.

He added that “once that bankruptcy is behind us, one of the things we can do – now that we have more federal money to Medicaid– Considering that all retired police personnel have medical cover.

In August 2020 and during Wanda Vasquez Garised The Governor, the Legislature approved the law providing decent retirement to members of the police rank system (Law 81-2020). The law sought to reverse some of the cuts that had been applied to the annual pensions of police retirees.

However, the Council suspended the application of the procedure, considering that it does not comply with the approved financial plan.

Aygen Marsh

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