St.Louis Airport has a service area for tourists and travelers

St.Louis Airport has a service area for tourists and travelers

Since April 28, the Territory’s Minister of Tourism has come into operation for tourism reports in the airport hall of Brigadier General Cesar Raul Ojeda.

Tourists and travelers can approach to request specific information regarding tourist destinations in the province. Service hours coincide with the schedule of planned flights, ensuring that the venue is open before and after each arrival and departure, bearing in mind the need to provide information, support and support services to travelers, Monday through Sunday, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 AM. : 00 pm, in addition to Wednesdays and Saturdays from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This space is of interest to staff from the Ministry of Tourism who will provide information on accommodations, places of tourist interest, gastronomic places, and data of public interest related to transportation, among others.

San Luis is a year-round tourist destination, with a strong historical and cultural identity and roots, in a prime location for its mountains, rivers, valleys, plains, lakes, and many other landscapes and attractions of unparalleled beauty. Due to the increase in flights, the turnover of people has doubled, which requires information management, which is why this space has been implemented for information services, in addition to those already in place, such as Elia Street in the city of San Luis, San Francisco del Monte de Oro, Desaguadero and Villa de Merlo and Potrero de Los Funes and municipal centers, thus completing a network of tourist information spaces throughout the province.

Note and photos: Click on the Ministry of Tourism.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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