Stephen Curry, the nation’s best player, is in the middle of one of his best seasons

Stephen Curry, the nation’s best player, is in the middle of one of his best seasons

The Golden State Warriors player is living one of the best moments of his career and his name appears among the nominees for the Best Player award.

“I should be (the best player). Maybe they wouldn’t give it to me, but whatever,” were the words Stephen Curry A few days ago about the race for the best player award.

And he is most likely right. The seasons they go through Nikola GokicAnd the Joel EmbiidAnd the Giannis Anticonmou And others, as well as their own squad records, complicate matters for Curry.

But there is no doubt that we are facing a great player, and there is no doubt about that. We’ve been saying that for years and you have to remember him as the best player this season.

Currently Golden State Warriors They have a record of 30 wins and the same number of losses, which deserve a 10th place in the Western Union and hold them in the battle for a place in the playoffs. But they probably won’t.

Curry is on track to achieve the highest score in his career, even over the seasons he’s won the MVP award, with very similar shooting rates.

The Golden State Warriors come out of one of the most productive stretches in league history, which puts him in the MVP conversation, but it likely won’t give him that.

Although his 11-game streak has ended by scoring at least 30 points, Curry continues to improve his team-mates on the field.

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The point difference (+/-) of Warriors when on the court with Carrie improves significantly, using examples of Diamond Green (+4.4 with Curry / -7.5 without) and Andrew Wiggins (+0.6 with Curry / -6.7 without).

Additionally, he must be one of the players with the lowest rejection rate in the league. Despite being a fan of rival teams, everyone understands what that means Stephen Curry For the game. However, they probably won’t.

Oliver Walton

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