Take a deep breath before you see what Maribel Guardia looked like at 32 years old

Take a deep breath before you see what Maribel Guardia looked like at 32 years old

Maribel Guardia She is for many years the most beautiful dominant women in the world. From his debut decades ago, to the present, he has always known how to make different generations fall in love. Much more now, with the help of social networks, where she was one of the chosen ones.

Maribel Guardia The currently 62-year-old, even though she doesn’t look like her, seems like the years haven’t passed her by, which makes us young people wonder what her secret to never getting old is. In any case, she is human and could not get rid of the haters of social networks.

Maribel Guardia posing. Source: Instagram Maribel Guardia.

Recently, a request spread on Twitter that guard Be the new face of Chocolate Abuelita. One Internet user appeared in the social network of the little bird to comment on this urgent request. “My grandmother thinks they want to replace the chocolate grandmother with Maribel Guardia,” but the truth is that Sarah Garcia will remain the image of the chocolate grandmother, leaving the desire to change her face, as a simple media.

The latest on social media guard It’s a post that has been uploaded to InstagramIt is seen as perhaps we have not seen it before, or rather as we do not remember it. The actress looks 30 years younger, when her career was a few years old and the line of suitors was just beginning to form.

Maribel Guardia 30 years ago. Source: instagram Maribel Guardia.

In the photo, she is seen with Antonio Aguilar and then world boxing champion Julio Cesar Chavez. job Maribel Guardia She has crossed 12,000 likes and has hundreds of messages from her fans flattering her and making her feel what we all believe: Years don’t pass her by.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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