The armed forces control 17 of Mexico’s 62 airports

The armed forces control 17 of Mexico’s 62 airports

the Armed forces They are already in control 17 out of 62 airports Which the federal government considers a “strategic” country because of its location, the number of air operations and the flow of passengers it registers.

Eight of them are operated and managed by the Secretariat of the Mexican Navy (SEMAR) and nine by the Ministry of the Navy. Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), through the company Grupo Aeroportuario, Ferroviario, de Servicios Auxiliares y Conexos Olmeca-Maya-Mexica, created only in April 2022.

It is a company with majority state participation, and its shareholding structure consists of 99% ownership by the Ministry of National Defense and 1% ownership by the state. National Bank of the Army, Air Force and Navy (Pangercito), directed by General Rene Trujillo Miranda.

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The Army already operates six air stations, but the assignment titles for three more were published this Tuesday in the Official Journal of the Federation for the Sedena company, which manages, operates and exploits international airports, and builds them where required. Felipe Angeles (AIFA), in Zumpango, State of Mexico; Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas; Campeche, Campeche; Ixtepec, Oaxaca; Chetumal and Tulum, in Quintana Roo; Uruapan, Michoacán; Palenque, Chiapas, and Hermanos Cerdán, located in Huejotzingo, Puebla.

at the same time, Navy Secretary responsible for International airports in Mexico City (AICM) and Toluca, State of Mexico; Matamoros, Tamaulipas; Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche; Loreto, Baja California Sur; Guaymas and Ciudad Obregón, in Sonora, and Colima, Colima.

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These 17 airports are used by more than 4.5 million passengers per month, led by Mexico City, where the number of users reaches 4 million and 420 thousand users on more than 30 thousand flights, with numbers from last October of this year. .

They follow him EvaWith 210 thousand 2 thousand and 107 flights; Hermanos Cerdán, from Puebla, with nearly 88,000 passengers on 1,860 flights, and Chetumal, with nearly 28,000 users and 386 flights.

The international airport Felipe Angeles It leads in terms of freight movement with a total of more than 35 million tons last October, while the capital’s airport ranked second with a load of more than 20 million tons.

The vast majority of these airports, with the exception of those under construction, such as Tulum, were operational until this six-year period Airports and ancillary services (ASA), a decentralized agency of the federal government, was created in June 1965 to “design, construct and operate airport terminals.”

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It is expected that during the remaining ten months of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s administration, more terminals will be added to control the airport. Our master Wave Samar. Currently, the ASA reports that the project is under consideration to transfer two more airports to the armed forces: Ciudad Victoria Airport, Tamaulipas, and Nogales, Sonora, although no date has been set yet for either of the two military units. Its management and operation will be handed over to them.

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Also in focus is DNA airport Monterrey, Nuevo León, whose concession expired on August 12 and the federal government threatened not to renew it. However, as part of negotiations with the Air Services Consumer Cooperative, a three-month extension was granted, which expired on 12 November, after which a second two-month extension was granted, which expires on 12 January 2024.

In the titles of tasks given before Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) in favor of Our master And the Samar It is established that the management, operation, exploitation and, where appropriate, constructions carried out at airports, as well as the provision of services, will be subject “without limitation” to the provisions of the Mexican Political Constitution. International treaties and events concluded and held by the President of the Republic with the approval of the Senate.

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