The Fall and Winter University of La Palma addresses early mental health prevention at school

The Fall and Winter University of La Palma addresses early mental health prevention at school

Santa Cruz de la Palma is hosting the university extension course “Early Prevention of Mental Health at School”, which will be held from 15 to 17 January 2024 within the framework of La Palma University Fall/Winter 2023-2024.

The objectives of this course are “to learn how to design a comprehensive school-based intervention project to improve children’s mental and emotional health.” As for methodology and teaching, these are brief introductions, with introductory exercises during the course and approaches to independent work for students. It is aimed at students of teaching, education, psychology and social work degrees. Workers in the fields of education, health and social work.

It has an academic direction composed of María Elena Conde Miranda, University Professor, Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of La Laguna, and Antonio Hernández Díaz, University Professor (retired), Developmental and Educational Field. From the University of La Laguna, psychotherapist, member of the World Association for Infant Health (WAIMH) and its Spanish branch Asociación Salud Mental Infantil (ASMI) and also a member of Asociación Infancia (Alicante).

Certificate of attendance, proficiency and recognition of ECTS credits

The University of La Laguna, through the Vice Chancellor for Culture and University Counseling, will issue a Certificate of Attendance to all those who attend at least 80% of the teaching hours face-to-face. Likewise, those who pass the students’ independent work will receive a certificate of attendance and achievement, which can in turn be recognized by ECTS credit.

Check out the program and register here. Contact: 922 319 616 / 922 319 626 – [email protected]

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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