The former Paraguayan goalkeeper failed in his bid to become president

The former Paraguayan goalkeeper failed in his bid to become president

Chilavert ran for president in Paraguay with the slogan: “Proud to be Paraguay.”However, his proposals and his fame as a former Paraguayan goalkeeper did not serve him well, ever since It did not even reach 1% of the vote in the presidential elections in Paraguay.

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In the current election on Sunday, While running for the Youth Power Party, he only managed to collect 0.7% of the vote with over 90% of the polls counted and identified. The figure cited is far below the voting intent the polls had predicted, between 1% and 1.2%.

With the slogan “Proud to be Paraguay”, it was the way Chilavert tried to enter the “heart” of all ParaguayansSince his campaign had Sophia Clara Shedd, an education expert, as his vice presidential candidate, The offers were not enough to achieve a higher acceptance rate.

According to data provided by Trep and By Ole newspaperAnd And 21,623 Paraguayans voted for the former goalkeeper And her rivals from the Colorado Party led by Santi Peña and Efraín Alegre, the candidate of the main opposition coalition, had 1,176,055 and 749,691 voters, respectively.

With this failure, he already adds two in politicsGood In 2014 he attempted to be a candidate for the Phillies Being the public image, however, this wasn’t enough either Raul Gamez won the race with 65% of the vote in favor, while Chilavert stayed with 35%.

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Percentage of Paraguayan votes:

Santi Peña: 43.29%

Efren Allegri: 27.53%

Payo Cubas: 22.43%

Euclid Acevedo: 1.35%

Jose Luis Chilavert: 0.79%

Louis Allegri: 0.57%

Aygen Marsh

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