The government excludes the second point of infection due to lack of space

The government excludes the second point of infection due to lack of space

The city government has every hope of finding the curved roof of this sixth wave “soon” that plunged Ceuta into chaos. Daily records of infections rose from 100 to more than 500 this Tuesday. Exorbitant numbers, according to the health minister, are derived from the massive diagnostic tests that are being carried out in the city. Alberto Gaitan referred to it as “one of the highest in the country”.

In a free covid point site, the health holder also assumes that it differentiates itself from the rest of the national territory. It was precisely thanks to this bonus that it was possible to achieve such a high examination. However, there is a side b. The queues are massive with the consequent long waiting times that have been recorded since last December.

However, the Executive has ruled out creating a second point in the city to conduct diagnostic tests. The reason is the lack of space. We have studied it, but with the regional dimension of Ceuta, it is complicated. Let’s hope things get back to normal soon, said Gitan.

The consultant stressed that the “great efficiency” of this resource as a tool to control diseases and relieve congestion in the health system, since 9,616 examinations have been conducted since the beginning of the year, “today we will exceed 10,000.” and 68,029 since startup.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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