The government is banning a judge who declared himself president from leaving Haiti

The government is banning a judge who declared himself president from leaving Haiti

The Haitian government on Friday barred Judge Joseph Messin, who declared himself president last Monday at the invitation of the opposition, from leaving the country.

The order was sent to the Directorate of Immigration, which urges Jean-Louis to refrain from leaving the country by air, sea or land because of “serious speculation of a conspiracy against the security of the state.”

Jean-Louis was appointed “interim leader” by a group of opposition leaders last Monday, one day after the end of the term of state president Jovnell Moyes, according to opponents.

The court’s dean judge accepted the order in a video recorded and released Monday, after which he was not seen or any further statements were released.

That same Monday, Moyes ordered the alleged involvement of Jean Lewis and two judges in the alleged conspiracy to retire, and this Friday he appointed three judges to replace those sacked.

One of the three judges who was fired was arrested last weekend in Uvical Dupras and released on Thursday on a lower court order.

Moisin’s controversial order to retire judges has provoked responses from many countries and international organizations such as the Organization of American Organizations (OAS) in addition to complaints in Haiti.

At a press conference this Friday, the Magistrate Professional Association (ABM) said the order to establish appointments was “illegal and arbitrary” because it was against established procedures for the appointment of judges.

“The order appointing these 3 judges is arbitrary and illegal. It characterizes the brutal interference of the administrator in the judicial power. The law establishes the procedure for the appointment of judges to the courts,” said ABM chairman Mortal Jean-Claude.

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The company insisted that judges “do not carry” and do not accept appointments.

“Judges of any competence and credibility who agree to be appointed in such circumstances betray justice, the rule of law and the judiciary,” he added.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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