The Homeless Pensioners Association may use the space of the old canteen after an agreement with Welfare

The Homeless Pensioners Association may use the space of the old canteen after an agreement with Welfare

The Social Welfare Adviser, Almudena Baldo, and the Mayor of Rural Development, Victor Valverde, met today with Narciso Perez and José Manuel Calderon, President and Secretary of the Association of Pensioners and Homeless Pensioners respectively, to agree on the use of space for what was the old canteen of the social center of the said neighborhood.

“The canteen was connected to the facilities used by the Pensioners Association and now they will be able to increase the space to be able to carry out more workshops and activities that promote active aging of the elderly,” Baldo explained.

The Association of Pensioners and Pensioners of Desamparados, which hopes to be able to start the activity on a regular basis next September, appreciated the authorization to use this space as in this way it will be able to obtain all the security measures respecting the capacity regulated by the health authorities. Likewise, they hope to increase the offerings of workshops and activities offered by the Council, such as dance, gerontogimnasia or body techniques, as well as activities promoted by the entity itself, provided that health conditions permit. In this sense, the Welfare Department will be responsible for renovating this space through the renovation of the painting and decoration.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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